THEE best example of why you need to let the little ones get bigger.........


5 year old buck +
I had the distinct pleasure of shopping with my wife yesterday and we were in a boutique.... I saw this poor critter up on the wall... had some time to ponder his fate (as I'm not much into women's apparel) I wondered "if" this poor guy knew he was going to end up here - would he have tried a little harder to live a little longer or would have just ran out in front of a semi as a fawn?

Anyways, let'em grow so they are of more value than this poor little guy was to the one who shot him... Its a cruel world even for a dead deer!


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Man, you should have rescued that thing!
No deer deserves that fate. I would now be forced to put on my Ninja suit (the same one I use to steal apple scion wood) and go in there at night and rescue that poor creature. His spirit needs to be released so he can move on to the next life - without that ugly hat.
Definitely an antlered doe.

That reminds me of the Moose that always hung in Abercrombie stores. Although I think dad once said that in older days A&F was considered a legit store.
My wife once thought hanging decorations from my mounts was funny....But she didn't think me replacing her perfume with deer urine was funny at all....I guess we all have our own senses of humor! :emoji_thinking:
I think that's a mule deer. It would be hard to pass on any mule deer buck for me. Usually buck only, and slim pickins on public land.

Still no reason to dress it up like the queen of Mardi Gras. :emoji_disappointed: Poor deer.
Yep - if he knew this was how it would have ended...I am sure he would have preferred to just walk out into the interstate...and die with some dignity!
Are we all just gonna let it slide that cavey was in a women's boutique? That troubles me as much as the deer.

I hope the payoff on the other side was worth it...
Are we all just gonna let it slide that cavey was in a women's boutique? That troubles me as much as the deer.

I hope the payoff on the other side was worth it...
When your involved with a woman we all do dumb things we would not do otherwise... If it was truly a mans world...we would all still be living in caves...

Best way to get out of having to go to places like that however is to say something really inappropriate in a loud voice while your in there. If you sort of shout it out across the place it works the best. "Hey baby!" "They got them fancy panties I you like over hear!" "You know...those ones type I ruined last weekend because of the whip cream and chocolate sauce!" "You know!" "Last saturday night when you was SO drunk on that Fireball and got to talking all dirty to me and stuff!" Yep - that will certainly get her pulling you by the arm out of there pretty quick! Next time...she will tell you to just sit out on the bench!:emoji_smiling_imp:
When your involved with a woman we all do dumb things we would not do otherwise... If it was truly a mans world...we would all still be living in caves...

Best way to get out of having to go to places like that however is to say something really inappropriate in a loud voice while your in there. If you sort of shout it out across the place it works the best. "Hey baby!" "They got them fancy panties I you like over hear!" "You know...those ones type I ruined last weekend because of the whip cream and chocolate sauce!" "You know!" "Last saturday night when you was SO drunk on that Fireball and got to talking all dirty to me and stuff!" Yep - that will certainly get her pulling you by the arm out of there pretty quick! Next time...she will tell you to just sit out on the bench!:emoji_smiling_imp:

You may be on the bench, but there's not usually any "action" on the bench, and being guys, that's kind of a downer.
Are we all just gonna let it slide that cavey was in a women's boutique? That troubles me as much as the deer.

I hope the payoff on the other side was worth it...

No pay off,... she's very pregnant - due anytime now.... It was pure quality time spent with the wife - trust me! Please trust me... I still buy my pants at Fleet Farm and LOL dont knock it - there is a ton of stuff to look at in those places! After the 5th or 6th place I really started looking around. Gold spray painted fake antlers, miniature ceramic deer decoys (for us guys that hunt north of that big buck area of buffalo county WI (we have small deer)) exotic game feathers (somebody got to kill something to harvest them). Tons of "really cool" stuff :emoji_worried::emoji_unamused::emoji_angry::emoji_weary::emoji_cry:

I actually had enough time to figure out how to make a hip urban/city park, deer hunting, gillie suit out of all the fluffy dyed ostrich feather, wool knitted rags kind of stuff packed in there.

and I have come to understand time with her (and I love that time) also equals more time out at the farm - its a balance thing
I have come to understand time with her (and I love that time) also equals more time out at the farm - its a balance thing

My neighbor asked me this year how I managed to spend the month of November at the farm while the wife was at home.

Answer, build lots of credits up during the other 11 months!!!!

Or you could use my brothers method. Piss her off so much she's happy to See you go. :emoji_laughing::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
No pay off,... she's very pregnant - due anytime now.... It was pure quality time spent with the wife - trust me! Please trust me... I still buy my pants at Fleet Farm and LOL dont knock it - there is a ton of stuff to look at in those places! After the 5th or 6th place I really started looking around. Gold spray painted fake antlers, miniature ceramic deer decoys (for us guys that hunt north of that big buck area of buffalo county WI (we have small deer)) exotic game feathers (somebody got to kill something to harvest them). Tons of "really cool" stuff :emoji_worried::emoji_unamused::emoji_angry::emoji_weary::emoji_cry:

I actually had enough time to figure out how to make a hip urban/city park, deer hunting, gillie suit out of all the fluffy dyed ostrich feather, wool knitted rags kind of stuff packed in there.

and I have come to understand time with her (and I love that time) also equals more time out at the farm - its a balance thing

I understand. And honestly, I enjoy shopping trips just for the people watching. But I can be a pretty sarcastic jerk when I see people walking the mall wearing what they're wearing.
But I understand the quality time thing.

I've also managed to realize that if I never left hte house all summer, I'd have my goodwill burnt by the pre-rut...