The Deer Czar job is posted

It's about time.......
The incumbent will be afforded to opportunity to:
- Lead Department in its efforts to develop a new long-range deer management plan.
- Collaborate with new and exciting research regarding Minnesota?s moose population decline.
- Develop new and innovative deer harvest strategies to help meet long-range population objectives.
- Lead efforts to resolve wildlife/human conflicts that are hampering elk restoration efforts.
- Work with a dedicated team of professionals who are interested in solving conservation challenges.
- Work with a team that values curiosity and creativity used in efforts to solve problems.
- Work with a diverse group of engaged stakeholders and partners who are passionate about big game hunting and management.
Whoever takes over could do three things and will keep his/her job forever. Move the gun season out of the extra cautious with doe tags and have a big blaze orange buck tag (one) not transferable. Once that big tag is filled you cannot keep hunting for bucks. Might be some ticked off hunters to start, but the changes would make us a good deer hunting state again.
^^^don't count on that. The old school guys would have a conniption if the gun season got moved out of the rut.
^ Hey......I resemble that remark! o_O
It's about time.......
The incumbent will be afforded to opportunity to:
- Lead Department in its efforts to develop a new long-range deer management plan on paper to appease the masses and then continue to do it however we please.
- Collaborate with new and exciting research regarding Minnesota?s moose population decline and then find a way to blame it on the deer.
- Develop new and innovative deer harvest strategies to help meet long-range population objectives to keep the herd as low as possible.
- Lead efforts to resolve wildlife/human conflicts that are hampering elk restoration efforts because it's worked so well for our neighbors to the east that it warrants throwing a bunch of $ at.
- Work with a dedicated team of assclowns who are interested in serving themselves.
- Work with a team that values curiosity and creativity used in efforts to solve problems and then just does what they want anyway.
- Work with a diverse group of engaged stakeholders and partners who are passionate about big game hunting and management and ignore their requests as much as possible.
There, I fixed it for you...
I dont meet the minimums or I would sign up. But only if the hunters matched the state salary. 86k high end?
I dont meet the minimums or I would sign up. But only if the hunters matched the state salary. 86k high end?

I think Leslie was maybe 64k or something like that. It's online somewhere.
Might take them several years to find a candidate that wants to step into that lions den at those rates.....
The "assclowns" comment was a real nice touch Wisc!!!!:D
Hey, I just call 'em like I see 'em!
Dont have a dog in this fight, but hopefully the new hire will have the spine to accomplish something for you guys.. I see the pay scale is marginal at best, wildlife jobs typically are, but no way I would take the job for less than the upper most pay listed. That is the reason so many wildlife programs are in the gutter. You wont get many CAPABLE people intersted in state jobs , you can work in the private sector far more lucratively with lot less headaches. I see alot of "entry" level wildlife positions that pay $9/hr that have a list of necessary qualifications an arms length long! Really!! A guy can work at McDonalds in a lot of places now for $10/hr, plus a signing bonus, your only qualification is to show up for work!
o_O:confused:Making less than a subordinate like Beau would not have flown in this guys airspace, I can tell you that much.
Dont have a dog in this fight, but hopefully the new hire will have the spine to accomplish something for you guys.. I see the pay scale is marginal at best, wildlife jobs typically are, but no way I would take the job for less than the upper most pay listed. That is the reason so many wildlife programs are in the gutter. You wont get many CAPABLE people intersted in state jobs , you can work in the private sector far more lucratively with lot less headaches. I see alot of "entry" level wildlife positions that pay $9/hr that have a list of necessary qualifications an arms length long! Really!! A guy can work at McDonalds in a lot of places now for $10/hr, plus a signing bonus, your only qualification is to show up for work!

I understand being capable is a big part of it.....but are they EMPOWERED that is the real question! You could have Albert Einstein of the deer world in that position, but if they are not able to make changes for the better, then you could just as simply hire Homer Simpson!
Government jobs don't work that way...there is no empowerment to make singular decisions and then implement them. Layer after layer of bureaucracy prevents that from happening. About the only way that would happen in this particular instance is if MN went after a "big name" in the deer management world and then changed the upper limit of what they'd pay that person....neither of which are going to happen.

Maybe the function should be "privatized". At least you could FIRE the private company that did a lousy job. The way it is with government.....they just keep on doing crumby work and nothing changes.
Here's a bit of enlightenment (for me anyway)

Leslie made $67,772 in '14
Beau made $73,284 in '14

If I'm Leslie making what she made while a guy like Beau is making what he made....I'd be telling them to stick the job too.

Look what we got for our money!
Should we request DNR functions be privatized?
Here's a bit of enlightenment (for me anyway)

Leslie made $67,772 in '14
Beau made $73,284 in '14

If I'm Leslie making what she made while a guy like Beau is making what he made....I'd be telling them to stick the job too.

It would be interesting to know total cost of employment, benefits and pension so you can understand the value of the position.
Should we request DNR functions be privatized?
I like it if there are companies that can do it. I have some serious doubts government would give it up but we might get honest information.
The state has good vacation and health benefits but that pay sucks for that job.