Test video post


5 year old buck +

#1 A dead squirrel?

#2 what the heck are those yotes up to? A den? The 2nd one jumps like he is surprised to see the 1st one?

How did you guys do it. I don't have photo shop, or know how to use it. Any other way to post videos?

I uploaded the video to youtube and then embedded it into the post using the media icon in the toolbar above. Cut and paste the youtube link to your video into the window that pops up when you click on the media icon here.
#2 what the heck are those yotes up to? A den? The 2nd one jumps like he is surprised to see the 1st one?


Yep it's a coyote den :mad: We hear them suckers every night and the foxes of past years have moved on. I don't know what the heck the 2nd yote was thinking/doing in the video.
#1 A dead squirrel?


Yes but he was shot with a wrist rocket 34 yards out from my bow stand. I had enough of them critters that year while bow hunting. I could count 50 at a time running around. One day just for the heck of it I grabbed the rocket from the bench and a hand full of 3/8" shot. After sitting in the stand for 4 hours and nothing but squirrels I pull I it out of my pack. First shot was high to the right. second was just a tad to the left 3 was the kill shot.

Like Bueller I loaded it to you tube then attached it to the post.