Tent caterpillars


5 year old buck +
Hey guys,

One of my apple trees has tent caterpillars, what do I use to kill and treat them?
It was recommended here to use a product called "Seven" when I had the same issues - seemed to have worked.
Many of the Bonide products work well and are easier to find then Seven.
or if you are in a quick pinch and don't have access to those specific sprays, a can of bee/wasp spray works
Found some Sevin and used that. Thanks guys
Found some Sevin and used that. Thanks guys
That should smoke them but check back to be sure in a few days because if some were in the cocoon then they could have survived. they are very voracious eaters
thats what I did, looks good now, I'll check them again tomorrow
My FIL uses a blow torch.
My dad did the same! lol If he couldn't reach them, that's where the shotguns came in.