Tar River SAYA-507 No Till Drill

One on auction time for 2900.00
Lets hear some more
the drill i had on order is now delayed until September, does anyone know a delaer with one of these in stock?
There was one in Clover Va a month ago, if you want I will check and see if its still there tomorrow. If you are interested PM me and I'll give you the dealer info.
that would be great i can check if they would ship to wi
I will check in the am, do you want me to inquire as to shipping?
I will check in the am, do you want me to inquire as to shipping?
that would be great ! or a name or contact info and i can call them as well.
I will check in the morning and get back to you here. The business is Spaulding Equipment, contact is Lonnie Moore @434-735-8161.
A beloit kansas dealer had them cheaper than anyone,5950.00.Go to auction time or tractor house and do a search
Bastert Farm Equipment in Camp Point,IL is showing one. They are friends of mine. Tyler or Jim at 217-448-2008. Holler if you need their cell numbers.
Bastert Farm Equipment in Camp Point,IL is showing one. They are friends of mine. Tyler or Jim at 217-448-2008. Holler if you need their cell numbers.
thanks- i found that dealer earlier, i should have noted the one i have on order is a 505 not a 507, seems like the 507's are a bit more accessible.
My bad. In the description is says out of stock.
that would be great ! or a name or contact info and i can call them as well.
The drill has been sold and the earliest they will get any more is the fall. When I get in tonight I will look up a equipment manufacturer in upstate SC. They are making a USA made drill that is supposed to be ready in the fall.
I thought I would share my Tar River story . By design or accident, I found this site today while looking for more information about the drill. I ordered a 505 no-till back in December of '20. Was informed that it would arrive in March. Through no fault of the dealer, it finally arrived in early June. The areas Is wanted to plant was previously fescue / brome grass cut for hay once a year . I had about 12 acres burned down by the co-op. In my part of Missouri, the early spring seemed cold & wet. Then in late May it turned off dry. I attempted to no-till beans but this heavy clay soil was hard and even with extra weights, I could not get enough pressure get the machine into the ground. So I reluctantly disked up the soil and got the beans in. It seemed to get hotter & drier as we got further into June. Finally, it started to rain. And rain. And rain.... We rec'd over 12" . This ground does not drain well and most of the seed started to grow a mold from laying in water and saturated mud for multiple days. I re-planted in early July and the stand was starting to sprout nicely. Then the deer found them. In my immediate neighborhood there isn't a lot of crop land. The open areas are cow pasture and or grass hay. I thought I was going to actually "farm " this ground but instead I've established a food plot. LOL! With that, I did a little research & elected to plant a cover crop of a combination of oats, sunflowers, buckwheat, milo, millet, and tillage radishes. I tossed the radish in the small seed box along with some milo. I put the rest of the mix in the large seed box. I just got done planting before today's rain and I think seed actually metered out pretty good. I forgot to mention that I planted a plot screen of sudan grass . It's acually coming up pretty good. The drill does take some tweaking and you need to get your openings right or you'l put out too much seed. One of the dust roller caps popped off and I contacted to company & prompt;y rec'd a replacement free of charge. I do wish there were more educational , "how to" videos about the machine to aid a visual learner like myself. Overall, I'm satisfied with the drill.. I think it's a good value for the money.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am patiently waiting for a 505 I ordered in February. I am curious, will you need to continue tilling before you plant? In regards to the how-to video's, does anyone on this site with a 505 or 507 have a YouTube site that would be interested in making these videos? I could make how to video's once I receive and learn the equipment myself. I am surprised no one has done this for Tar-river NT yet.
I plan to no-till everything from now on Keep us posted on your thoughts & experience with your 505. Good luck!
How much disturbance did the coulters do to soil? And how well did it cover seeds?
The rolling coulters made little to no actual disturbance. More or less, they made a slit for the double disk openers. The majority of the seed was covered pretty good.
Just scouted my fields. Biggest issue is that the deer are eating the beans as fast as they pop out of the ground!