Taken by Longville MN



This kid said his deer hunting has gone down hill for a few years. With these running around, I bet it has!wolf.jpeg
Right where SD and I hunt in zone 1.
looks like 2 deer predators right there! Kind of cute - he's giving it a hug! Nice doggy - play dead, good doggy!
A guy south of me was trespassing and trapped 2. I guess he killed one but they let the other go. The guy didn't get a trespassing ticket because the land owner was pleased to see a dead wolf. They should of capped the second one. It's a matter of time before they are established by my place.
A guy south of me was trespassing and trapped 2. I guess he killed one but they let the other go. The guy didn't get a trespassing ticket because the land owner was pleased to see a dead wolf. They should of capped the second one. It's a matter of time before they are established by my place.
Looks like the wolf season is closed tomorrow, currently one over quota...we will see how many more will come trickling in.
Our neighbor runs a large trap line on their property and is very aggressive on the coyotes. He caught at least a couple wolves and the pics they shared with me, those things are pretty good size thats for sure! The wolves were released.
You Packerbackers might use traps, but we are tough in northern Mn. Look at the picture again, we just grab them and squeeze the air out of ém!:D