Take That You Pesky Raccoons

For those thinking coons of ANY weight are a nuisance when it comes to feeders, try putting up with these critters...

Those are the BIGGEST damn coons I've ever seen. :)
First post, so I hope I don't tick anyone off. Here's my two cents regarding coons; they have 14 hours of darkness to try and get at whatever it is you're trying to keep them from. They have thumbs. They are crafty, evil little creatures and they will win. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But they will win.
It's now been up 21 days. So far, I'm winning.
First post, so I hope I don't tick anyone off. Here's my two cents regarding coons; they have 14 hours of darkness to try and get at whatever it is you're trying to keep them from. They have thumbs. They are crafty, evil little creatures and they will win. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But they will win.

Yep, coons are like prisoners, they have nothing but time to figure crap out, and they do. Always!
Yep, coons are like prisoners, they have nothing but time to figure crap out, and they do. Always!

that is flipping hilarious!!!!
Trapping coons is pretty fun too if you live close to your land and have time. I use live traps around my house baited with kitchen scraps and then I shoot them with a .22. I use live traps here so my dogs don't get caught. Coons are unbelievably smart, so it would be tough to keep them out of anything. I had one that figured out he could get food out of the live trap by tipping it upside down which set the trap off and then he would pull the bait through the side of the trap. Taking out a couple dozen coons, skunks and opossum every year really helps the turkey numbers too.