

5 year old buck +
Has anyone ever tried to grow SweeTango apples? Is it even possible? The reason I ask is that my wife loves these apples and life at home is easier if I can plant what she likes!!!!
I believe it is a patented tree that only certain orchards are allowed to grow so you may be out of luck.
Wlkman hit it right on the head. It's grown by a select group and pantented so if you want to grow your own you'll have to either wait a long time or ninja your way into an orchard and get some scions.
It is called a "club apple" where the growing and marketing is tightly controlled so that a limited number of high quality fruit gets to grocery stores. Growers pay fees to be part of the club that go way past just a per tree royalty but that supports the marketing.

I had a SweetTango for the first time yesterday. It was good and reminded me of the Honeycrisp. I liked the crispness of it but it was not as sweet as a Honeycrisp. What I didn't like about it is how quickly it browned after a bite. Within 10 seconds of biting it, it would turn brown.
Swee Tango are tasty. Half honeycrisp half zestar!. I'm growing snap dragon and they are just ready to pick and if I don't say so myself better than honeycrisp. Look for them soon.
I have a snap dragon and a zestar but neither are mature enough to produce.
Sweetango apples as all apples are much better when left to tree ripen , most commercial available apples are picked way before being mature and full flavored , Go to any local orchard and compare flavor to store bought , big difference
Same with strawberries. ^^^^^You nailed it Wooduck. I tried some Gala apples from a supermarket and they were horrible.
I saw a bin of Sweetango at the local supermarket a month or so ago. I would have got some to try but those were the sorriest looking apples, all bruised. I have not seen them there since.