

5 year old buck +
For those who have suppressors?
1 - Tax stamp or Trust?
2 - Do you have to pay the $200 tax for each suppressor or is it a one time thing?
3 - Form 1 Build or Own or Form 4... which is easier and is it really cheaper to build your own (I've looked at kits and parts and they seem pricey for what they are)?
Do a trust. The lawyer will be able to answer everything.

I recomment you don't buy a kit. Sounds like more hassle than it's worth.
and yes its 200 bucks per item, NOT a one time fee and can keep buying more
every item is registered and well your paying a TAX on it that is 200 for uncle sam on each item and every time item changes hands, its another 200 bucks!
and best advcie might be to TALK to someone that sells them near by that KNOWS a LOT about things, a trust isn;t always best for everyone, so KNOWING the options and deciding what is best for you is best option
I used to be a class III dealer, gave it up a while now, so don't keep up on things a as I once had to!
there are alos many rules about its use and what all you need to do and carry whe n using it and WHERE using it!
be prepared to produce paperwork as needed when asked for it!
when I used to travel and do shoots all over, I cannot tell you HOW many time I was questioned my different law enforcement officers that DIDN"T Know they were legal or the rules on them YET always had to SHOW them and wait till someone from there DEPT showed up that did!
was a hassle many times that wasn't needed, but is what it is, so heads up there
same deal with full auto's, cannot believe how many cops and such DON"T know there legal in the states they work in that they are!
and open up with a belt fed 50 BMG and folks from far and wide call the cops and they HAVE to come, as if there called they have to foloow up on things due to liability!
and then you get to explain things again and again LOL
was like a broken record some weekends

as for being a more of a hassle than there worth
I say NO< there more of an investment, well full auto's any how,
suppressors are becoming very over produced now away days, and prices and tech keeps making older one's worth less, where for a LONG time they held there own or even went up in value!
Thanks for the words of wisdom guys. I thought (but wasn't sure) about the $200 tax being applied to each suppressor. This makes me want to find one that will be interchangeable. Probably look at a .223/.22 model but I imagine they loose effectiveness if you do that.
I like the idea of a trust due to it's ability to transferrable to other people.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
and yes its 200 bucks per item, NOT a one time fee and can keep buying more
every item is registered and well your paying a TAX on it that is 200 for uncle sam on each item and every time item changes hands, its another 200 bucks!
and best advcie might be to TALK to someone that sells them near by that KNOWS a LOT about things, a trust isn;t always best for everyone, so KNOWING the options and deciding what is best for you is best option
I used to be a class III dealer, gave it up a while now, so don't keep up on things a as I once had to!
there are alos many rules about its use and what all you need to do and carry whe n using it and WHERE using it!
be prepared to produce paperwork as needed when asked for it!
when I used to travel and do shoots all over, I cannot tell you HOW many time I was questioned my different law enforcement officers that DIDN"T Know they were legal or the rules on them YET always had to SHOW them and wait till someone from there DEPT showed up that did!
was a hassle many times that wasn't needed, but is what it is, so heads up there
same deal with full auto's, cannot believe how many cops and such DON"T know there legal in the states they work in that they are!
and open up with a belt fed 50 BMG and folks from far and wide call the cops and they HAVE to come, as if there called they have to foloow up on things due to liability!
and then you get to explain things again and again LOL
was like a broken record some weekends

as for being a more of a hassle than there worth
I say NO< there more of an investment, well full auto's any how,
suppressors are becoming very over produced now away days, and prices and tech keeps making older one's worth less, where for a LONG time they held there own or even went up in value!
Nice use of CAPITAL letters. Sounds like you have a beef with the cops that were dispatched. Just remember they have a lot on their plates and knowing all the laws in and out on suppressors and full auto weapons probably isn’t near the top of their priority list.
This makes me want to find one that will be interchangeable. Probably look at a .223/.22 model but I imagine they loose effectiveness if you do that.

Be careful with that. A .223 suppressor is designed to withstand the gas pressure from that cartridge and may be designed to be self cleaning at those pressures. That means they can collect residue and unburned powder from .22 LR round, which can cause accuracy problems and flare-ups. It can also cause endcap strikes. I have personally had all these problems.
This makes me want to find one that will be interchangeable. Probably look at a .223/.22 model but I imagine they loose effectiveness if you do that.

Be careful with that. A .223 suppressor is designed to withstand the gas pressure from that cartridge and may be designed to be self cleaning at those pressures. That means they can collect residue and unburned powder from .22 LR round, which can cause accuracy problems and flare-ups. It can also cause endcap strikes. I have personally had all these problems.
Thanks for the tip! That all makes sense but I hadn't thought of it. Is it possible to use a suppressor on both calibers if you do regular cleanings? In all honesty I figure it will be on a .22 most of the time but with that said I'm sure I would shoot our .223's more if I had a can for them.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
One other question; online trust? As I research this stuff I'm finding sites that offer online trusts. Sites like "SilencerCo" charge $100-200 service that is supposed to be fast and easy. I'm skeptical of online spending... any reason to use an online company over running into town to meet with a lawyer to do this?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Nice use of CAPITAL letters. Sounds like you have a beef with the cops that were dispatched. Just remember they have a lot on their plates and knowing all the laws in and out on suppressors and full auto weapons probably isn’t near the top of their priority list.
just a reply here, I have NO issue's with cops or law enforcement, work very close with a lot of different agency's and am personal friends with a lot of folks in that kline of owork across the USA and other countries as well
but that DOESN"T change the facts I stated thata LOT of cops and law enforcement folks DON"T know much about them and many just ASSUME there illegal
and letting the OP know what he MIGHT run into was my point!
its called information so they can maybe make a better choice knowing more on things

MY hats off to those that work in law enforcement, all the more so now than ever, I sure wouldn;t want to be wearing a body camera in a sue happy world we live in!
a simple mistake can be VERY costly to them and most are NOT IMO compensated enough for the risks they take!
One other question; online trust? As I research this stuff I'm finding sites that offer online trusts. Sites like "SilencerCo" charge $100-200 service that is supposed to be fast and easy. I'm skeptical of online spending... any reason to use an online company over running into town to meet with a lawyer to do this?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
using an online deaal, might have pro's and con's
one PRO is they might know more about things as they deal more in it, when setting up for these items than your basic lawyer might
IMO< if it was me, for MY peace of mind I would maybe do BOTH,I fall into the catagory I rather be 110% sure of things like this, than find out the hard way something wasn't done 100% correctly
pay once cry once, some times is safest route to take!
and as for using a 22 cal on a 22 or .223
most good suppressors are able to be taking apart and cleaned, so I doubt it would be that big a deal

I personally sold a lot of John's Guns(from TX) he makes a lot of very nice complete guns, that have semi build on suppressors, they look like JUST heavier barreled rifles or handguns, they come off to be cleaned, like sleeves over the whole barrel and worked very very well, have no issue recommending him, and he knows a Lot about the different ways to own things, might be worth contacting him with any questions and maybe even have a look at what he offers
I have NOTHING to do with him, other than yrs ago I sold a bunch of his items, first class guy and business from my experience with him !
I have a buddy here in Kansas that can take care of you. If you want his info just let me know.
Thanks for the info MRBB. I certainly want to do it right. I'll look up your guy on the internet and see if he'll give me advice or even sell me what I'm looking for.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I have a buddy here in Kansas that can take care of you. If you want his info just let me know.
Heck ya I want his info! Thanks.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Don't use just any lawyer. Use one who specializes in or has extensive experience with silencers and trusts.

It's absolutely possible to use a silencer for .223 and .22 LR. You can even use them in a .30 cal silencer if you want more flexibility. But not all silencers are the same, so do your homework before you buy. Also consider quick detatch if that is something you want/need.
Don't use just any lawyer. Use one who specializes in or has extensive experience with silencers and trusts.

It's absolutely possible to use a silencer for .223 and .22 LR. You can even use them in a .30 cal silencer if you want more flexibility. But not all silencers are the same, so do your homework before you buy. Also consider quick detatch if that is something you want/need.
I'll take all the advice I can get... features to look for? brands that you like or don't like?
A quick release would be nice! My whole reason for interchangeablity is due to not wanting to buy more than one. I don't want her to be a pain to change from gun to gun.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I'd maybe just get a 30 cal can and then you can use it on a LOT of different caliber rifles!
things to look for IMO, are materials there made of, how easy to clean, weight(nose heavy rifles get old fast IMO unless only off a bench)
look at the DB's rating they reduce sound at and keep in ind there numbers will be at optimum settings and conditions! so expect a little less than there claims!
and I full agree, talk to several SO called experts and get a lot of info

This is NO BS here, when I had my shop, I could litterally call the bATF and ask ONE guy a question call back ask a second guy ther and get two totally different answers
it was CRAZY daling with them, all the more so when BAD info can get you in trouble! and NOT there fault if they give you it!
been down that road with them in court already(I won) but was a lot of wasted time and funds and stress!
get as much as you can in WRITING too!
and keep copies of everything
as they say knowledge is power and better to be safe than sorry!
Honestly, if you are jumping through all the hoops you might as well order two at the same time. I didn't, and regretted having to wait another year for the second one. I bought a Silencerco Sparrow then a Silencerco Hybrid. The Sparrow works on 22LR through 22 Hornet and the Hybrid works on about any centerfire rifle or pistol cartridge. Since it's a bit of "jack of all trades" it probably isn't as good as a dedicated for caliber suppressor, but I like it. The Sparrow is awesome and it gets switched between a 17hmr rifle and a 22 pistol regularly. The tough part is deciding which suppressor to get. Find a dealer nearby that you like and see what brand they sell is the easiest route.
Ted Nugent is not everyone's favorite spokesman for our sport but he did sum this debacle up nicely.

In America I Dont need a permit to put a muffler on my car and I shouldn't need a permit to put one on my gun!
I would consider the trust. I'm on a trust, it makes it easy to pass them on, and share among however many people. I love the one on my .22 trapping single shot. I rarely use one for anything else, I mainly am a bowhunter.