Stock Market is the bottom in?

I'm just hoping to someday have a large account.
Strictly ammatuer rolling the dice here. I watch different stocks for a while usually before I buy so I can see what they've been doing and where the prices for those stocks are usually at. After panic sets in on people after earnings come out has been a good time for me to buy when the price drops for no good reason and the stock goes on sale briefly. jmo
You guys that have large accounts, do you mess around when things are unsteady, do you sell making like $0.20 cents a share on something that smells rotten and move it to other stuff or what is your strategy? It seems like a lot of you have your own accounts where someone else isn't managing your $$ but you're doing it yourselves?

I manage every penny on my own. Pros charge way too much for what they do.

I don’t jump around at all based on market winds. I’m always where I want to be if the bottom falls out. Energy, war, a tiny bit of gold and short term bonds. That’s where I wanna be if the bottom blows out. The hard part is also making money while having a foot on the dock. You miss out on some bottle rocket stocks.

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What I would think is a large account would be someone else's pocket change. Just keep growing
You guys that have large accounts, do you mess around when things are unsteady, do you sell making like $0.20 cents a share on something that smells rotten and move it to other stuff or what is your strategy? It seems like a lot of you have your own accounts where someone else isn't managing your $$ but you're doing it yourselves?

What do you consider large? I know people who think 10K is huge and other people who snicker at 1M. I don't think the dollar amount makes it any harder to manage. It's the number of investments that you have to research and track that gets time consuming.
The tariffs are making other countries pay more to sell their goods here. Giving more incentive for things to be made right here in America. We've been having our milk money stolen by most other countries where we were paying more in tariffs than the countries we're trading with. The playing field is being leveled making our trades with other countries more fair. We are done paying everyone else's bills. Media will once again tell you Nazi Trump is destroying our world because he's pure evil. jmho
And who kicked off the race to move offshore?? You have to go back a few years, to a nationally-televised address to the nation. That speech, and the subsequent government-to-government greasing of the legislative wheels led to "American" companies roaring overseas. Nike was the first good-sized company to jump the U.S.A. ship. I watched it all happen in real time.

Those foreign countries are already lining up their tariffs on us - that we Americans will be paying.

Not angry or even upset here, J. Not picking on you!! All good on my end.
My wife and I have our own accounts in fidelity. My wife is much like a mini Berkshire Hathaway. Lots of cash, only buys rock bottom, never sells.

I’m always dinking around with mine, trading, can never hold cash.

She is doing much better than me.

BTW as I understand it, the market loves incompetent government, as in nothing gets done. Well Trumps deal isn’t what I believe to be incompetent. Things are gonna get done.

The market no likey that.

I wish I had more dry powder.
And who kicked off the race to move offshore?? You have to go back a few years, to a nationally-televised address to the nation. That speech, and the subsequent government-to-government greasing of the legislative wheels led to "American" companies roaring overseas. Nike was the first good-sized company to jump the U.S.A. ship. I watched it all happen in real time.

Those foreign countries are already lining up their tariffs on us - that we Americans will be paying.

Not angry or even upset here, J. Not picking on you!! All good on my end.
Buy American. Save yourself
I don't seem to remember prices rising during the tariff wars during Trump's first go round. But I do remember hearing about American companies hiring people and boosting production due to tariffs on other countries.
Close call today on smci.
You guys that have large accounts, do you mess around when things are unsteady, do you sell making like $0.20 cents a share on something that smells rotten and move it to other stuff or what is your strategy? It seems like a lot of you have your own accounts where someone else isn't managing your $$ but you're doing it yourselves?
I do not manage my own money far as stock selection and trading goes. I did that for a few years.....but it requires lots of patience and watching and waiting and some training / temperament / timing. (the three T's). I think I made better returns than the folks that manage my money today.....but not without taking on more risk. Most importantly, I just do not want to spend 1/2 of my day watching stocks when I could just relax and enjoy other things. Also, at some point you will become too old to know about recent tech and be able to keep up with the news, etc....sell off losers and balance taxes, risks, etc.

Now we pick an allocation plan and stick to it. They seem to provide decent long-term winners and keep my taxes relatively low most of the time. I likely have a bigger cash and bond position today than I ever had......and that allows some flexibility for them. Also they have been good at advice on trusts and tax planning, etc. I don't intend to make any changes now. Been doing it this way for 20 years. FORE!
I don't seem to remember prices rising during the tariff wars during Trump's first go round. But I do remember hearing about American companies hiring people and boosting production due to tariffs on other countries.

I also remember reading about companies that left China for other Asian countries that didn't have tariffs. They never came back here because Vietnam was cheaper and had no tariffs. I think it could turn into a whack a mole thing.
I do not manage my own money far as stock selection and trading goes. I did that for a few years.....but it requires lots of patience and watching and waiting and some training / temperament / timing. (the three T's). I think I made better returns than the folks that manage my money today.....but not without taking on more risk. Most importantly, I just do not want to spend 1/2 of my day watching stocks when I could just relax and enjoy other things. Also, at some point you will become too old to know about recent tech and be able to keep up with the news, etc....sell off losers and balance taxes, risks, etc.

Now we pick an allocation plan and stick to it. They seem to provide decent long-term winners and keep my taxes relatively low most of the time. I likely have a bigger cash and bond position today than I ever had......and that allows some flexibility for them. Also they have been good at advice on trusts and tax planning, etc. I don't intend to make any changes now. Been doing it this way for 20 years. FORE!

I'm with you. I tell them what I want to hold, sell or buy now and again. Like the day of the covid crash I called and made them put some cash on the side to work.. But watching every day gets tough.
I'm with you. I tell them what I want to hold, sell or buy now and again. Like the day of the covid crash I called and made them put some cash on the side to work.. But watching every day gets tough.
That and doing the research on replacement stocks, and trimming holdings to rebalance etc. I assume they always have a few choices available that would fill a part of my allocations. They also buy some funds, but I do not pay any fee on funds held or on "house products" (I think that is all baked into their pay plans. I have some private placement dollars that cannot be bought off the street. Get's good come and growth from an energy portfolio.

Largely, I like not having to worry about it.....or have to make a decision on stocks when I could be on my tractor or on the golf course. Knowing my planner as I do....when one of us passes will be much easier for the other and the family. They have a pretty good legal team to fly spec trusts and documents prepared by our lawyer......and have provided some very good advice. "I worry knot". (would make a good boat name eh?).

When we owned a Cobalt was named: "Knota Kare".
What I would think is a large account would be someone else's pocket change. Just keep growing
When I was working, I had no time to buy individual stock I just managed a few really good mutual funds.....and tried to be in the right area with them. One that really did well for me was a Health Care fund, also really rang the bell with international growth funds when that sector was hot. I think there is again a window for international funds now....but that may be short term? Dunno. I still maintain that fund investing can be a good solution for most people....the bigger companies will even manage the selections and balance them, etc. The fees are not too bad....IMO.

For about 3 years I tried to run a diversified portfolio using some funds and lots of individual company stocks. That could be good for taxes....but it was driving me nuts....and I was somewhat unsure of my ability in the long run.....especially if we were traveling, etc. Not a good plan. I would not go back to doing that.

We've done well in the past ten plus years with the big six.......and are still riding on some big gains. Cash and bonds are a bit more friendly to own these days.....but I still hate cash investments. Still....this is a big part of my income comes from. And at some point....especially as you get older....there is no way to earn your portfolio back if you should lose it. "Guaranteed income" feels pretty good (if there really is such a thing.
Good thing I don't own any, I just remember folks talking about it.

I'm not saying don't trade it. I'm just saying it tends to move like a meme stock. There are ways to legitimately trade meme stocks, but it generally involves being very up on the "pump" news, or shorting it on the way back down. It might end up being a great company, but so far it doesn't have anything solid that I'm aware of.

As of now, it's not an investment; it's a gamble.
Yes market is down, I’m OK with it to get the country back on track.
I have been hearing the downturn will be short lived maybe 2-3 months. Then as things settle and economy gets back above water the market will swing, I also look for interest rates start to drop by end of year which should work out good for us building a house next year.
I believe foreign stocks are worth looking into right now for the short term.

There is a serious risk that a downturn will not be short-lived. If we have to bring a lot of manufacturing back to the US, it will be expensive, and that means companies will have to shell out a lot of cash to build infrastructure and pay higher wages.

The weird thing is: no one actually knows how that will affect the stock market. We are already in uncharted territory. Anyone who can figure out what the heck is going on in the markets will make a fortune. So far, it has been defying history for a few years already. And the crazy thing is, there's SO MUCH CASH sitting on the sidelines waiting to be invested. It has to go somewhere, I would think.

I don't know of foreign stocks are a good long-term investment. If you know of any, I would like to hear about them. The only thing I have seen so far is possibly some Japanese companies. Europe seems to be falling apart. India is down. Vietnam is on an upswing, but volatile. China I just don't trust. Brazil seems pretty meh.
Strictly ammatuer rolling the dice here. I watch different stocks for a while usually before I buy so I can see what they've been doing and where the prices for those stocks are usually at. After panic sets in on people after earnings come out has been a good time for me to buy when the price drops for no good reason and the stock goes on sale briefly. jmo

Don't roll the dice. If you are an investor, then buy and hold companies that are good investments. Don't sell anything.

If you want to trade, then there is a lot you need to learn before you can start buying and selling.