Stock Market is the bottom in?

Looks like nothing huge at the opening...
Why as a nation do we still continue to trade with China? Why do we not try to ween ourselves off from them, and start to make and purchase goods made here, or atleast not from a communist nation that wants to off us?
Been saying this for years. Why do we trade with China??? That's EASY - U.S. companies raced into China decades ago for C-H-E-A-P labor. When Ronnie Reagan declared (on national TV) that, " We're going to change our economy from a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy" back in the 1980's ..... so-called "American companies" closed U.S. factories and raced to China for poverty-level cheap labor. In many cases, the labor was forced by China's Communist state-run, military-enforced government. What do you think all those secret, behind-closed-doors meetings with Chinese government officials accomplished??? Our own U.S. government sold us out in its "negotiations" with the Chinese government because our "American company" executives wanted to turn China into a cheap labor market. The ultimate insult to U.S. workers was when "American company" executives told U.S. workers they had to train Chinese laborers to do the jobs they would no longer have - Kodak being one of the worst offenders.

And since Xi Jinping has butted heads with the U.S. over Taiwan, some U.S. companies are leaving China before the military sh*t hits the fan. Where are those "American companies" leaving for?? The U.S. again??????? NO - they're already "negotiating" plans to move to Mexico, India, Bangladesh, and several central American countries. That info has been in the REAL, FACTUAL news for some time now.

Looking for a return of U.S. manufacturing as it was??? N-O-T happening. We U.S. workers have been paid way, W-A-Y too much. This from the mouths of "American company" executives who make $$$$$$ BILLIONS $$$$$$ - because they "work so hard." They certainly worked hard at "negotiating" with foreign countries to eliminate U.S. jobs for slave wages in foreign countries. Who started the charge with his speech?? REPUBLICAN RONNIE REAGAN in the 1980's. How N-I-C-E.

But hey ........... some on here think I'm way off base and I'm totally clueless. I've witnessed the selling-out of our country by "American companies", the Chamber of Commerce, and our own government over several decades. I guess the abandoned factories here in the U.S. are all a mirage. Enjoy your highly-paid, secure jobs won back by one D.J. T**** (who has many of HIS businesses offshore too, as pointed out by David Letterman on his show - much to T****'s red-faced embarrassment.) Are your kids' and grandkids' futures looking REALLY BRIGHT and prosperous????
The market will go down, oil will go up (if only we stayed energy independent), gas goes to $5 a gallon, inflation goes over 10% for the foreseeable future. China takes Taiwan and life as we know it is over. Since the adults are now running things I am sure everything will be fine.
And WHO would not say one negative thing about Putin while he was in office??? Where was "rough, tough, big-mouth then??? T**** publicly PRAISED Putin ........... remember??
And WHO would not say one negative thing about Putin while he was in office??? Where was "rough, tough, big-mouth then??? T**** publicly PRAISED Putin ........... remember??

Oh really?

And WHO would not say one negative thing about Putin while he was in office??? Where was "rough, tough, big-mouth then??? T**** publicly PRAISED Putin ........... remember??
And who was the one that stopped Nord Stream 2 and who was the one who just approved it. Who can honestly say we are safer and better off now. This Russia invasion is happening under Biden not Trump.
...and the last one happened under Obama/Biden. Beyond me why all the lefties think Trump was colluding with Russia.
Because Hillary and the fake MSM said so...they had a phony made up dossier to prove it...they even investigated him for years spending millions and found nothing but that didn't make it not true...Pffffft
And WHO would not say one negative thing about Putin while he was in office??? Where was "rough, tough, big-mouth then??? T**** publicly PRAISED Putin ........... remember??
Let me try to explain this so maybe you can understand. Trump had the same approach with China, NK, and Russia. He would play nice with words and let policies drop the hammer. He made us energy independent which hurts Russia. He stopped the norstream pipeline. He had bipartisan support for that but Joe knew better. Joe talked tough during the election saying Putin wouldn’t dare do anything if he was president. Joe should have known better from when they did the same thing when he was VP. He put huge tariffs on China but complemented Xi. He played nice with rocket man and the missiles stopped. You say rough tough big mouth but Trump has been against nearly every war of our lifetime. He even got a Middle East peace deal. Again it comes down to words over actions. Trumps words hurt your feelings but you should just say thank you for his actions. Joe is pro union so he can do no wrong, I get it. 50 years in DC has he done one good thing? Are you even aware of his brother and Hunter taking in millions from foreign governments? I only ask because I know CNN or NBC doesn’t cover it.
I compare it to the personality of HRC, denial of reality
Moderna stock is $138.82 right now … it was $497 at its high. Ouch if you bought in high .
Moderna stock is $138.82 right now … it was $497 at its high. Ouch if you bought in high .

That just means they will have to release the next variant to scare the masses into more shots. Start getting your pets vaccinated, unborn babies need the jab as well. Best to just keep a 12 pack supply of it at home, so if you get a sniffle, a back ache, head ache, or if you get tired at night, you can quickly fend off the dangerous side effects quickly with administering an at home 3 shot nightly proceedure so you dont die from an agonizing death worse then being burnt alive.
Let’s get back to stocks and markets.
Do most of you that day/swing trade do it on an app or online or through a broker?
And who was the one that stopped Nord Stream 2 and who was the one who just approved it. Who can honestly say we are safer and better off now. This Russia invasion is happening under Biden not Trump.
Germany refused Nord Stream 2 also. Other European countries are willing to get their gas elsewhere - maybe U.S. exports? - rather than support Putin and his fantasy of rebuilding the OLD Soviet Union and taking over Eastern Europe - again. Russia's MAIN source of income as a country is from oil & natural gas. Their biggest market (that has ample money) is Europe. Cut off his market / income - Putin loses support in his own country and his money supply dries up by a large margin. No European countries are siding with Putin's moves. Europeans also know that their prices will rise because of it - but being the bullseye for Putin's aggression in Eastern Europe - it's a price they're willing to pay to stop ANOTHER war in Europe. Shut down Putin's markets and he becomes more financially crippled for anything he wants to try to pull. A changing "chessboard" on the world stage will require NEW moves as the situation on the ground changes ...... IMO.

If an aggressor isn't stopped in Eastern Europe by any & all means - did WW II teach us nothing?????

BTW ........ yesterday pseudo-king wannabe T**** responded to Putin's invasion of Ukraine by saying, "Oh that's wonderful. That's genius. Savvy move." And wrinkled-brow Carlson once again sided with Putin and Russia and declared that the U.S. shouldn't care about Russia invading Ukraine .......... a far cry from what SOME elected Republicans are saying. A good outcry from SOME U.S.-supporting Republican politicians for what T**** and Carlson said yesterday. Hmmmm.

Maybe before WW 3 starts, we can finally stop fighting EACH OTHER here in the U.S. so we can concentrate (once again) on defending freedom and democracy on the world stage. If the sh*t hits the fan in Europe ......... we'll be eyeball-deep in another world war. I can only wonder what China is seeing and plotting with all of our internal hatred here in the U.S. Russia moving in the eastern side of the globe, China poised to go to war to take Taiwan for the 85% of the world's chip-making factories (what'll THAT do to the world markets???) and control the Pacific shipping regions. Putin and Xi meeting and agreeing to support each other economically and technologically several times in the last 2 years. Russia building new military bases in the Arctic - China building high-powered radars and listening stations in South America. Russia problems in Eastern Europe ....... China problems in the Pacific. A 2-theatre scenario just like WW II. Add in the terrorist Middle-Eastern countries who side with Russia ...................
I think looking at where the stocks were sitting before all the panic started should be a good indicator of where the markets will be after the panic stops. If stocks are down 50% I see it as a half off sale for the large companies that have been around for decades. Google is splitting in June or July and doing a 1-20. That should get people interested in buying that stock when it becomes affordable for most people instead of having to pay $2,700 per share it would only cost $135 dollars. Share price that no one can afford doesn't get people interested in the stock in my opinion.