Right?????? Seems like lots of people fell for the T**** "big lie" and all his empty promises ........ but they can't admit it either. Even T****'s hand-picked judges wouldn't give his BS claims the time of day. Each day, new things are exposed about the orange one's frauds, crooked dealings, lies about his property valuations, tax evasion, taking classified documents to his Florida palace (against federal law for ANY president), etc. While in office, the orange one claimed "big wins, fulfilled promises" (like opening factories, getting more medical choices for military vets, and other positive accomplishments) THAT WERE ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED WHEN OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT. Proven facts.
I've got "true-believer" hold-outs in my family. They think T**** is the Second Coming of Christ. No shit. How's THAT for scary??????
T**** has been a lying, cheating, skunk his entire life. He BS-ed many people over the years ....... and he BS-ed many VERY FINE Americans of all political stripes. I couldn't stand the sight of the man(?) back in the 1980's .......... long before he ever thought about politics. I just never took a shine to lying, loud-mouthed, arrogant braggarts.