People have to be responsible for themselves and the information they choose to believe, otherwise they're just going to be used and abused by those that do have the ability to reason. Been that way for all of time.
Remember, we're not only at risk of those who are intentionally trying to deceive us, there are also tons of experts out there who have no idea what they hell they are talking about, despite having good intentions.
Not being aggressive or crappy here at all - but your phrase,
".... information they choose to be believe....." leaves me wondering. Do you think that scientists & journalists who spend their entire careers studying, recording on tape, documenting, gathering various data sets on a number of topics are just full of sh?? Or are we supposed to believe a bunch of loud talking heads (raging in some cases), on TV that
themselves have an agenda - usually totally aligned with special interests paying them to expound as they do. Where do those loud talking heads get
their expertise on any given topic?? They have no scientific background or careers studying things like environmental issues, rail-car brake safety, or health risks posed by certain chemicals & dyes. But because they're loud, angry-sounding, aggressive in many cases, many people latch onto such info (largely because they're p-d off themselves because they feel left out / left behind in society. Can't say I blame them.) It's not scientists or real journalists who are putting the screws to them. Just watch how many millions of American workers will lose their jobs with AI expansion. The companies who are creating AI agents don't even try to hide that fact - they declare it openly. Are those taped interviews all fake?? Deception??
Here's a question for all - if companies actually wanted to see American workers do better / have a fairer shake in our economy ....... why are they spending hundreds of billions to eliminate our jobs in favor of AI machines / robots (soon to be called "AI agents")?? Just read an article by an AI exec who said - "..... make no mistake, millions of jobs will be gone." Programmers, coders, engineers, and accountants are high on the chopping block for elimination. The one guy even said in the article that these AI agents are much smarter than most people, and much quicker at accomplishing tasks. AI tractors are another emphasis for the corporate farms. Sound positive??
How do we know / trust what the stock market jockeys are telling us?? Insiders know things we'll never know. We / I can't see the actual exchanges being made when a hedge fund manager, or a deep-pockets insider makes a big buy or sell-off - and we can't know about them until they file a 13-F I believe it's called, to let the general public know. There's another SEC filing that has to be made as well - can't remember its name/number at this writing. And the public doesn't get to see them as soon as they make those trades. They only have to file periodically. Are we being deceived - at least for a period of time (possibly / probably to a trader's / investor's disadvantage)??
Used and abused / deceived comes from both directions - not just one. When I saw hundreds of people smashing windows and doors to invade the U.S. Capital
live with my own eyes, with some police being crushed, struck with poles, clubs, shields and furniture - - and then some jokers try to tell us they were on a "peaceful tourist trip" ------ anyone who thinks that's true is nuts. How would anyone out there like to have your home invaded like that with windows & doors smashed in, physical violence on you & family members, some being killed DEAD?? Would you consider that a "peaceful visit"?? By any definition - those actions constituted an insurrection to over-turn a legally-conducted, fair election (by the accounts and judgements of over 60 courts). Book definition of an insurrection for any student of civics / government. How does that suddenly become "a peaceful tourist visit" ...... just because someone with political gain to be had says so??? The recorded visual evidence is there on video tape - like tracks in the snow of a deer or rabbit. I wouldn't think a rational person would see a deer track in the snow, and then have someone else tell him a bear or a house cat made the tracks. If they then choose to believe the one who said a bear made the tracks, well ......... that speaks for itself.
Best of luck in these markets, gents.