Stock Market is the bottom in?

Certainly signs point towards optimism but it just seems like everything is so jacked up and expensive right now that there will be an inevitable decline. To your point, that could be said most years but it does feel like a 25% gain on the index in one year is extreme.
I heard today there’s still $7 trillion in money market accounts yet to be deployed in equities. With rates somewhat falling that money could get redeployed and make the equity market even stronger.
For whatever it’s worth i don’t. Not sure where the signs are pointing that way but I’m open to hearing the other side. People have been calling for crashes every year for the last 100, every now and then they are right but more often than not they aren’t.
Yep. Looking back to about 1900, the long-term market trend is solidly up - with a couple crashes along the way. Back in the "crash" of 1987, I put a good bit more money into funds than our usual DCA amounts after the bottom fell out, going on advice from seasoned pros I'd read about in several financial mags. Turned out to be a good move, but I wish I'd have put even more in. Great years can be followed by some real stinkers too. Time in the market has been key.

Just a hunch, but I think we might see some profit taking once the dividends, interest & capital gains come in. Not a bad move to take some profits and re-deploy for diversification purposes. That's just me at this stage of life.
I got rattled during covid and sold when China shut their whole country down (I was heavy in AAPL and worried their manufacturing would take a hit), was forced to buy back in after the infusion of trillions of dollars into the economy and the bounce back. No telling how much money it'll cost me over the rest of my working career in lost compounding interest, but I have a guess of how much I lost at the wasn't pretty.

Lesson learned, timing the market isn't for me.
Is there a reason why my Quantum computer stocks and my NVDA stock rise and fall opposite each other on a daily bases? In the last month or so one when one goes up the other goes down. If people were rolling millions from NVDA into them, then Nvda would stay down but it doesn't so must be more at play here.
Is there a reason why my Quantum computer stocks and my NVDA stock rise and fall opposite each other on a daily bases? In the last month or so one when one goes up the other goes down. If people were rolling millions from NVDA into them, then Nvda would stay down but it doesn't so must be more at play here.
Just after I typed it, they are both up at same time. Seemed like more than a coincidence
My stop loss triggered and sold all my PLTR. What a rough afternoon.
Typical market panic for no real good reason as usual. J pow didn't give the right answer so everyone had to panic sell. Good time to pick stuff up on this brief dip. jmo
Maybe zero interest rate cuts in '25 has people nervous. I could envision another 15-20% drop
Maybe zero interest rate cuts in '25 has people nervous. I could envision another 15-20% drop
I just read an article saying possibly 2 cuts in '25 instead of the predicted 4. We'll see what the panic-ers do. Better valuations coming??
I just read an article saying possibly 2 cuts in '25 instead of the predicted 4. We'll see what the panic-ers do. Better valuations coming??
I had read the same thing. That he implied 50 BPS cuts in '25 and '26 at this point. Seems too early to tell, IMO.
I got rattled during covid and sold when China shut their whole country down (I was heavy in AAPL and worried their manufacturing would take a hit), was forced to buy back in after the infusion of trillions of dollars into the economy and the bounce back. No telling how much money it'll cost me over the rest of my working career in lost compounding interest, but I have a guess of how much I lost at the wasn't pretty.

Lesson learned, timing the market isn't for me.
I learned the same lesson at the same time.
I have taken it in the shorts way harder than the broad markets the past couple weeks. I'm back in buy mode on my stuff.