I have never understood the logic of car loans. My wife and I have never taken out a car loan. Taking a loan out for more than you can afford and paying interest on an asset that loses value everyday???
The problem with debt is that most people become addicted to it to support a lifestyle. They rationalize what the want vs what they really need and finance indulgences. That's why the average car loan is over 72 months and personal & commercial loan defaults are at an all time high. Folks take out equity loans against their house and pretty soon owe more than they own. Build up credit card balances that they can only afford to pay the interest.
Eliminating debt is hard and a discipline that many can't manage. Once you understand the Rule of 72, amazing what you can doing by moving $$ away from debt and into investments.
That 8th wonder of the world is a pretty cool place to be once you figure it out.