Stock Market is the bottom in?

You don't have to sell it all in one swoop. Sell a third or a quarter and wait and watch what happens. It could go 4x again in the next year or two the way we're going to be printing money. It could go to $190 if the world rejects AI and AI doesn't make it onto the battle field and into the hospitals.
That's a good line of reasoning. If I do sell part, I'm thinking about putting the money in a S&P 500 Index Fund rather than just holding the cash.
That's a good line of reasoning. If I do sell part, I'm thinking about putting the money in a S&P 500 Index Fund rather than just holding the cash.
That's not going to really diversify you. NVDA is 4.7% of the S&P 500, and the other 6 tech giants with them make up 25% of the S&P 500. You'd be selling your shares on one hand, and buying them right back with the other. I won't suggest where to go, but just know, that's going to put you right back where you were.
I know oil is already high, but with what is going on in the world (terrorist attacks, wars, etc…) I see oil going higher !

Plus oil and refinery stocks pay a nice dividend.
That's not going to really diversify you. NVDA is 4.7% of the S&P 500, and the other 6 tech giants with them make up 25% of the S&P 500. You'd be selling your shares on one hand, and buying them right back with the other. I won't suggest where to go, but just know, that's going to put you right back where you were.
Yea, I would still be tech heavy, but would be a little more insulated from the full hit of a NVDA crash.
If you were pulling some cash out for land, would you pull it from equities or from treasuries/HYSA?
If you were pulling some cash out for land, would you pull it from equities or from treasuries/HYSA?

I have a pile of cash getting 5.61% in a variable rate CD. I feel like I am being out printed. I think \ 8-10% is needed just to keep up with these assholes printing all this money. They just invented another 1.2 trillion dollars on Friday night/ Saturday morning when nobody was looking.

I had seen that video. I fully expect the stock to drop at some point in time, but I also expect it to be a good long term investment. When I bought it, I was thinking of it as long term and had no idea it would shoot up so quickly like it has. Then greed grabbed me. After thinking about it more, I have decided to just keep thinking long term and not try to time the market.
^^^ I owned NVDA at $260. Sold it at $240 cause the market was starting to teeter. It dropped under $150 and I was glad I sold at $240. I was hoping to pick it up again for $100/share and that never happened. And here I am like a dumbass right now and own ZERO shares. I've got $25k into a couple dumpster fire small caps. Sure wish I had a crystal ball about 24 months ago.
Takes some real commitment to stay the course with some of those stocks.

There are folks out there that have gotten quite wealthy by buying and holding a good stock through thick and thin. I own a stock that is currently 20+ times what I paid for it. Wish I had more of it....instead "we" trim the gains at times to keep my allocations according to the model. Not sure about that philosophy at times. Seems like a sure fire way to find mediocrity and the status quo. I guess I am too old to take outsized risks. lol.

Old saw is let your profits run.....and cut your losses short.
H20fwler simply posted FBGRX ... and left it at that .. if you put $1000 in FBGRX 1-1-2023 and looked at your gains as of Friday, you'd note an 81+ % increase ($1813.50 new total ) in less than 15 months. How does that happen when the S&P 500 Index rose only 24+ % in 2023 and is up 10% year to date. S &P 500 total for last 15 mo = $1364.00 $450 difference on $1000 initial investment.
How does that happen you say ... the top 10 stocks in FBGRX constittute 60% of the holdings with your favorite - NVADIA at #1 with 12,93% of the holdings. The 500 index has many,, or most, of the same stocks in their top 10 ; however, they -as an index - match the proportionality of the 500 ..... sooooooo FBGRX simply has a much bigger load of the "magnificent" stocks ( 5 or 7 or 10 ... whatever number is the magnificent group of the week).
The Fidelity fund is MORE volatile; however over the long haul - and the stock market is a long term game (ask Warren Buffet). you'll beat the hell out of the 500 index .. look at their annual returns since inception. I promise I won''t beat this drum again!

A good read on how irrational some stock buying/selling decisions can be ....
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H20fwler simply posted FBGRX ... and left it at that .. if you put $1000 in FBGRX 1-1-2023 and looked at your gains as of Friday, you'd note an 81+ % increase ($1813.50 new total ) in less than 15 months. How does that happen when the S&P 500 Index rose only 24+ % in 2023 and is up 10% year to date. S &P 500 total for last 15 mo = $1364.00 $450 difference on $1000 initial investment.
How does that happen you say ... the top 10 stocks in FBGRX constittute 60% of the holdings with your favorite - NVADIA at #1 with 12,93% of the holdings. The 500 index has many,, or most, of the same stocks in their top 10 ; however, they -as an index - match the proportionality of the 500 ..... sooooooo FBGRX simply has a much bigger load of the "magnificent" stocks ( 5 or 7 or 10 ... whatever number is the magnificent group of the week).
The Fidelity fund is MORE volatile; however over the long haul - and the stock market is a long term game (ask Warren Buffet). you'll beat the hell out of the 500 index .. look at their annual returns since inception. I promise I won''t beat this drum again!

A good read on how irrational some stock buying/selling decisions can be ....

I’m glad you caught that!
I’m just dropping a tip that has made me over 100K so far this year already. 56% returns.

I’m going to ride it out a few more months I’ve still got a good feeling about it. Being an election year my gamble is that the left will keep propping the market up into early fall. Then I’m going to tuck and run off into the sunset sheltering the bulk of my investments.

This one being tech is just a hot one right now.
I’m glad you caught that!
I’m just dropping a tip that has made me over 100K so far this year already. 56% returns.

I’m going to ride it out a few more months I’ve still got a good feeling about it. Being an election year my gamble is that the left will keep propping the market up into early fall. Then I’m going to tuck and run off into the sunset sheltering the bulk of my investments.

This one being tech is just a hot one right now.
I have that one too. Another somewhat similar is FSELX
I read somewhere that a Bitcoin guru was seeing major outflow issues in the next (6) months. If Bitcoin drops significantly I could see stocks following?

Personally, I think a correction is coming.. but hey who knows ??
I have that one too. Another somewhat similar is FSELX
That fund is even more concentrated ... FSELX holds more than 75% of their total holdings in their top 10 stocks, with NVDA at #1 (over 28 %). If you had dumped 10 grand in FSELX 10 yrs ago, it would be worth 108,000 dollars today. It's a tech world folks ... these type of funds may experience short corrections (both in time and amount), BUT, over the long haul, you'll do very well. If you are really risk adverse, establish your own criteria (% drop / $ lost, etc) when you run for the sidelines.

Here's the interesting part ... if you bought NVDA 10 years ago (1-1-2014), you could have purchased it for less than $4 per share .... right now it's at $960 and climbing (you do the math).
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I financed my tractor for 0% and make a payment every February. I have better than half of the money set aside in my checking account for my next February payment.

I have been successful with long term 401k type investing but I feel like I should be figuring out short term investing with this type of money I have just laying there for months at a time. I see I can do the tech based funds listed above in my E*Trade…
I financed my tractor for 0% and make a payment every February. I have better than half of the money set aside in my checking account for my next February payment.

I have been successful with long term 401k type investing but I feel like I should be figuring out short term investing with this type of money I have just laying there for months at a time. I see I can do the tech based funds listed above in my E*Trade…
I would save the entire payment amount off to the side and THEN invest any extra you might have. No guarantee that investments only go up. jmho
I would save the entire payment amount off to the side and THEN invest any extra you might have. No guarantee that investments only go up. jmho
Thats kinda what I have been doing- Have a little side account I have been buying some individual stocks here and there but would like to up my game a little