Stock Market is the bottom in?

It can be as easy or as complicated as a person wants. I've never considered myself a trader. I created my own simple mutual fund (10-15 companies) by picking the best stocks in each sector that I wanted to own. It's not that easy, but it's also not that hard. There are obvious dogs out there, and clear winners that powered through all the downturns of the past 15 years.

Is it worth my time? It's a $100/hour job for sure. I was paying thousands in direct and indirect fees when I had an advisor, and If his secretary didn't pick up the phone, I had to watch opportunity pass me by. They didn't come close to matching the market either, not after they took their fee and pocketed the dividends to cover said fee. Now I don't pay anything other than 65 cents/contract for options, and no fees at all for stock trades.

It's not for everybody, but I certainly wouldn't relegate the idea of matching or beating the market to 'impossible'. Most of 2021 and into 2022, I didn't buy or sell a single thing. The government was pouring money into the markets, and I just sat there and let it come, and I finished right in line with the S&P 500 for 2021, and I'm beating the pants off it in 2022, mostly by not being in it. Advisors and firms don't make any money when clients are in cash though, and that's a dangerous conflict of interests. There's also the human hazard of feeding the Blackrock machine, but that's not today's issue.
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Your right! That is what I did. For me, the low expense ratio broad market indexes were investment that I count on in the long term. The individual stocks I owned were "fun money". They let me play with different strategies and techniques and learn. Some did very well, some went south.

One other thing I learned over time. Trying to keep up with individual stocks, figuring out when to buy and then again when to sell, took a lot of time and effort and, overall, underperformed the indexes. I found I enjoyed putting that time into habitat projects rather than watching individual stocks so it was a double win for me when I gave up on individual stocks.
We've gone for the broad market indexes, mainly, but also own several managed funds that have done well for us. Also had a few "play money" individual stock picks - some scored, some didn't. But as you said, we didn't / don't want to spend our lives in front of a computer screen watching the markets & stocks daily. Too much life to live & enjoy. Miniscule expense ratios and time / patience have been good friends. If anyone can avg. 10% to 20% a year over time - without screen-watching - that's good stuff. I'll take that.
Most of 2021 and into 2022, I didn't buy or sell a single thing.
We dollar cost average all the time - regardless of markets. When the markets are sinking / down, we get more shares per dollar invested, so we're essentially buying "on sale." And when things really look grim, we've added more $ to our investments, to really get bargain-basement share prices. We've not sold anything either. We like catching the market rebounds!! (Buffet advice on how long he likes to hold investments .......... forever.) We let the divs and interest buy more shares that we didn't have to work for. As one famous financial guru said, "..... take advantage of the miracle of compounding."
I do everything Roth anymore but my wife and I may very well be in an even higher tax bracket in retirement and yes almost assured the Democrats are increasing taxes in their ridiculous green new deal stimulus bill they are working on passing. Runaway inflation and they are doubling down on stupid let’s spend even more money. idk what even think of these idiots anymore.
I do everything Roth anymore but my wife and I may very well be in an even higher tax bracket in retirement and yes almost assured the Democrats are increasing taxes in their ridiculous green new deal stimulus bill they are working on passing. Runaway inflation and they are doubling down on stupid let’s spend even more money. idk what even think of these idiots anymore.
They're not stupid. They are running circles around the patriots and racking up huge wins for whomever they serve.
We dollar cost average all the time - regardless of markets. When the markets are sinking / down, we get more shares per dollar invested, so we're essentially buying "on sale." And when things really look grim, we've added more $ to our investments, to really get bargain-basement share prices. We've not sold anything either. We like catching the market rebounds!! (Buffet advice on how long he likes to hold investments .......... forever.) We let the divs and interest buy more shares that we didn't have to work for. As one famous financial guru said, "..... take advantage of the miracle of compounding."
I pretty much buy only. Rarely sell unless the company has obvious weakness. Buying every month is the best way to do it . The dividend reinvestment is very powerful over time!!
I like individual stocks!

I ain’t into “ spray and pray”

I enjoy learning about, following , and investing in business I agree and believe in.

kinda like debating apple 🍎 pardon the pun

and Lemon 🍋 Lu Lu
I pretty much buy only. Rarely sell unless the company has obvious weakness. Buying every month is the best way to do it . The dividend reinvestment is very powerful over time!!

Same. We just buy and re invest dividends. When someone retires and cashes out we hold aboard meeting decide how many shares of what to sell and move on. We miss the peaks and valleys on buying and selling but this is a full term retirement plan and we aren’t running an investment firm.

Apple Amazon Caterpillar John Deere Fastenal are the only stock we own. It has done nothing but good for us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Same. We just buy and re invest dividends. When someone retires and cashes out we hold aboard meeting decide how many shares of what to sell and move on. We miss the peaks and valleys on buying and selling but this is a full term retirement plan and we aren’t running an investment firm.

Apple Amazon Caterpillar John Deere Fastenal are the only stock we own. It has done nothing but good for us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
UAN (fertilizer) just reported stellar earnings and will pay out a $10 distribution this quarter. The stock was $6 a share in 2020!😵‍💫
b116757, post #2324 above -
".... ridiculous green new deal......" - Most developed countries worldwide believe the global science community that there's a global climate change emergency. RECORD heat waves worldwide, exceptionally severe droughts worldwide, (food shortages & famines increasing), and a steadily rising GLOBAL temperature. Satellite pics show massively disappearing polar ice caps. Insurance companies are already pricing rising sea levels and coastal property damage into rates. Smaller-island nations' citizens are applying for citizenship in other countries because their islands are going under water, and their homes are full of sea water.

The U.S. is the only country that has a segment of its population in full climate change denial. And it's politically motivated. Global sales of E-vehicles are booming, as just reported yesterday. Every major vehicle manufacturer globally is ramping up production of E-vehicles. People worldwide see the future as having much less fossil fuel, and more green technologies supplying our needs. Remember the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes??" Rising sea levels, disappearing polar ice caps, and rising global temperatures - especially in the last 50 years - is hard to ignore just by saying "it's nothing." As Arctic permafrost ground is melting, more and more methane is being released ....... which is an even more potent greenhouse gas ....... (that was previously trapped in the frozen ground for thousands of years) - thus speeding up MORE heat-trapping in the atmosphere. Power companies are switching to greener sources to generate electricity. Like it or not, coal is disappearing as a fuel. There are twice as many "green energy" people working to generate electricity in the U.S. than are working in the coal industry. Millions of good-paying, clean energy jobs can be created if we get smarter about reducing polluting our ONLY home. Why are we afraid of change ......... while bragging that we U.S. folks "can do anything" ??

Our earth is a closed terrarium. The atmosphere doesn't have an "exhaust vent" to let heat and pollution escape. Whatever we do to our ONLY home ........ stays here. What do we want to leave our kids and grandkids??

I'm for anything greener (smarter) than what we've been doing for the last 100 years. And put those greener jobs HERE - in the U.S - so we aren't beholden to any other country for materials & equipment.
b116757, post #2324 above -
".... ridiculous green new deal......" - Most developed countries worldwide believe the global science community that there's a global climate change emergency. RECORD heat waves worldwide, exceptionally severe droughts worldwide, (food shortages & famines increasing), and a steadily rising GLOBAL temperature. Satellite pics show massively disappearing polar ice caps. Insurance companies are already pricing rising sea levels and coastal property damage into rates. Smaller-island nations' citizens are applying for citizenship in other countries because their islands are going under water, and their homes are full of sea water.

The U.S. is the only country that has a segment of its population in full climate change denial. And it's politically motivated. Global sales of E-vehicles are booming, as just reported yesterday. Every major vehicle manufacturer globally is ramping up production of E-vehicles. People worldwide see the future as having much less fossil fuel, and more green technologies supplying our needs. Remember the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes??" Rising sea levels, disappearing polar ice caps, and rising global temperatures - especially in the last 50 years - is hard to ignore just by saying "it's nothing." As Arctic permafrost ground is melting, more and more methane is being released ....... which is an even more potent greenhouse gas ....... (that was previously trapped in the frozen ground for thousands of years) - thus speeding up MORE heat-trapping in the atmosphere. Power companies are switching to greener sources to generate electricity. Like it or not, coal is disappearing as a fuel. There are twice as many "green energy" people working to generate electricity in the U.S. than are working in the coal industry. Millions of good-paying, clean energy jobs can be created if we get smarter about reducing polluting our ONLY home. Why are we afraid of change ......... while bragging that we U.S. folks "can do anything" ??

Our earth is a closed terrarium. The atmosphere doesn't have an "exhaust vent" to let heat and pollution escape. Whatever we do to our ONLY home ........ stays here. What do we want to leave our kids and grandkids??

I'm for anything greener (smarter) than what we've been doing for the last 100 years. And put those greener jobs HERE - in the U.S - so we aren't beholden to any other country for materials & equipment.
That is your opinion thanks for sharing.
“Climate Change” the newest global religion just wait until the “True Beleivers” start committing actual acts of violence against the nonbelievers under the guise of “we are saving the planet” we are getting closer and closer everyday to this new reality.
“Climate Change” the newest global religion just wait until the “True Beleivers” start committing actual acts of violence against the nonbelievers under the guise of “we are saving the planet” we are getting closer and closer everyday to this new reality.
Yep. Promoting electric which is mainly powered by coal. They are the problem. When pro athletes and celebrities stop running private jets to get groceries, I'll be willing to have a conversation about it. Global warming is at such a pace that 100 years from now it will be 1 1/2 degrees warmer. I think we'll be alright. jmho
b116757, post #2324 above -
".... ridiculous green new deal......" - Most developed countries worldwide believe the global science community that there's a global climate change emergency. RECORD heat waves worldwide, exceptionally severe droughts worldwide, (food shortages & famines increasing), and a steadily rising GLOBAL temperature. Satellite pics show massively disappearing polar ice caps. Insurance companies are already pricing rising sea levels and coastal property damage into rates. Smaller-island nations' citizens are applying for citizenship in other countries because their islands are going under water, and their homes are full of sea water.

The U.S. is the only country that has a segment of its population in full climate change denial. And it's politically motivated. Global sales of E-vehicles are booming, as just reported yesterday. Every major vehicle manufacturer globally is ramping up production of E-vehicles. People worldwide see the future as having much less fossil fuel, and more green technologies supplying our needs. Remember the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes??" Rising sea levels, disappearing polar ice caps, and rising global temperatures - especially in the last 50 years - is hard to ignore just by saying "it's nothing." As Arctic permafrost ground is melting, more and more methane is being released ....... which is an even more potent greenhouse gas ....... (that was previously trapped in the frozen ground for thousands of years) - thus speeding up MORE heat-trapping in the atmosphere. Power companies are switching to greener sources to generate electricity. Like it or not, coal is disappearing as a fuel. There are twice as many "green energy" people working to generate electricity in the U.S. than are working in the coal industry. Millions of good-paying, clean energy jobs can be created if we get smarter about reducing polluting our ONLY home. Why are we afraid of change ......... while bragging that we U.S. folks "can do anything" ??

Our earth is a closed terrarium. The atmosphere doesn't have an "exhaust vent" to let heat and pollution escape. Whatever we do to our ONLY home ........ stays here. What do we want to leave our kids and grandkids??

I'm for anything greener (smarter) than what we've been doing for the last 100 years. And put those greener jobs HERE - in the U.S - so we aren't beholden to any other country for materials & equipment.

I don't mean to bust your bubble, but the "green technologies" are also politically motivated and not necessarily green. Electric vehicles running on electricity from fossil fuel plants are not green. Neither is the production of electric vehicles. Germany is phasing out nuclear energy while increasing production and consumption of ligninte. Windmills are killing wildlife and filling landfills at a record pace. Billions of dollars in taxes are spent globally on what is basically a climate scam. How many tens of millions did Obama squander on such fly-by-night fraudsters?

What kind of yardstick are you using to measure this as a success?

There won't be any meaningful progress on environmental issues until we can at least have an honest conversation about it.
I guess they don't teach this in school anymore. The globe has warmed (at least) 4 previous times without man being present. But this time it is all our fault? We have about 20 degrees to go if it warms as before! I'm all about eliminating pollution, but am not sure it will change what appears to be a normal cycle, and prefer it be in a way that does not require us to live like cavemen. (cavepeople?)

Edited to add: Looks like that image was copyrighted, so you can see it at this link....

Like most anything, context is important. The biggest issue I see is truth being obscured by politics and political tribalism.

The simple fact that energy is generated by a manner that isn't burning fossil fuels doesn't mean we should look the other way when the negatives are brought up and drive full speed ahead in tooting the "green" horn. On the other hand, I feel like the AOCs of the world have pushed people so against something that they just oppose anything with the words "green" "renewable" "zero emissions" associated with them just out of spite. An entire segment of our population is only educated in regards to climate change by political spins presented to support their desires and most don't want to learn anything that challenges what they "know".

Comparing fluctuations over millions of years is a poor comparison with the rate of change we've witnessed in the last 100 years of human population and pollution explosion.
“nonbelievers under the guise of “we are saving the planet” we are getting closer and closer everyday to this new reality.

“Climate Change” the newest global religion just wait until the “True Beleivers” start committing actual acts of violence against the nonbelievers under the guise of “we are saving the planet” we are getting closer and closer everyday to this new reality.

Much like The Church of Darwin

I am not a member of either congregation

When China and India want to go green I will pay attention. Getting rid of 4 billion people is the only answer. Even if the Paris climate deal works exactly how they dream it to be they admit it will have no effect in the next 100 years. Meanwhile we get our green Shit from China. Brillant plan, they build solar panels and batteries for EV’s using coal fueled power plants. How come the earth wasn’t cleansed when we were on lockdown for a year? It’s all BS. We have no way to control the climate, its all a money making scam.
All a person needs to do is listen to what the world economic forum experts are openly saying, over and over and over again, on video and in front of large cheering audiences. Everything that is going on all over the world makes perfect sense when you look for an explanation outside the 'My government loves me and only wants the best for me' box. Newsflash, it doesn't end well for those that go along with it.