I have hunted mushrooms in several states, KY, IN, MO. Each place is different. IN it's elm, and ash. in KY it seemed to be poplar, and hickory. In MO it's sycamore, river birch, hedge. I found 23# last week in MO, all under sycamore and birch.
Can be anywhere, really. In Ohio I find a lot under honeysuckle. Usually they are just random, but the spots i hunt are relatively young forest. Many people find them along roads and railroad tracks.
Got out for a search this afternoon. Couple lbs of morels. They were in nice looking shape, but many of them felt dry to the touch. We've been very dry here.
I picked one in Ohio and took it to Canada. I ground it up in water and added it to the peatmoss my apple trees are sitting in. I hope it colonizes the roots.
Absolutely, we had a couple tenths the other day over cast all weekend then a good half inch soaker yesterday. Cool nights in low 50's then low 80's in afternoons...I think they started popping again.
I was out trying to get a turkey yesterday morning and the mosquitos were on the warpath big time....gobblers not so much.
Made hay again yesterday. We picked almost all of them from places we have already picked. Don't forget to go back to the same places you found them a week or two ago. Again all on S. facing hillside. We check some other places on the top farm but didn't find any. I would bet with this heat it will be any day now for them too.
Harvested 3 pounds of chanterelles off my place about a week ago... June days hotter than blue blazes (consistently mid-90s) combined with near daily storms brewing off the nearby gulf are making for a bumper crop year.