Foggy that honda setup looks sweet. Is it a 700 or 1000? IF it's a 700, think it can do little tasks, like small discs, cultipackers, drag harrows? Debating between a heavy duty garden tractor or a side by side.
There's some good setups out there, and alot of iffy ones. I think one of the better bets is to modify what you already have with good stuff. Quality pump quality parts. I've had a cheapie 15 gal one from tractor supply for 6 years. Original pump is still working, but bought a new one as backup. I built my own 2 nozzle boom that is a bout 4 feet apart. Probably a 5ft path wide.
Brass is not necesarily better. Some of our chemicals attack the brass. Surfactant and AMS are 2. IF using, flush when your done. Which all of us should do.
I keep 2 spare jets and filter screens in a small bottle of water. Never had one clog though. I am pushing 3 acres between home and camp. Once every 3 years I spray the side of the snowmobile trail at the neighbors camp. just ot keep brush on the sides down.
IF you dont trust your setup, put a few gallons of water in it and run it around the yard. If you're going to have problems, it'll likely show up the first few minutes. No chemical worries with a test run.