Splitting my plot?

I think I missed part of your question. The deer will eat the greens as long as they are available. They will dig through snow to get at greens and bulbs. Below is mid December.
That is great to hear. Hopefully I have some good late season action. Thanks.
Between the time this pic was taken and mid December, they had every green eaten off this field and then they started in on the bulbs.
That is an awesome picture! Thanks for the info!
View attachment 70269
Between the time this pic was taken and mid December, they had every green eaten off this field and then they started in on the bulbs.

I would photoshop the date and put that in next month’s photo contest… You win and I get the cleaver.

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I would just combine those and do a mix of clover and cereals. They work well together, keeping the carbon and nitrogen balanced.

I truly would never plant grains without clover. Nor would I plant clover without grains.
This is what I do. I plant brassicas, oats and red clover together in late July. The oats will form a seed head but I don't care. Once the brassicas are eaten to the ground they eat the oat heads and stem down to the ground.
Brasscias can be tough. I planted some turnips in a spring 2022 planting. Had almost bowling ball turnips that fall. About an 1/8th of the turnips came back to life spring of 2023. Daikon radish at home was even more successful for a 2nd pyears growth from last years bulbs. Deer ate it all winter. That plot is my backyard about 50 yards from where I park my car. Saw them every night when I came home from work.

Splitting plots. Thats what I did this year. Expanded the plot about 40% more in 2024. I put about an inch of wood chips over the winter, then disced them in before august planting. The middle is a good clover planting. The far end had alot of red aramath in it. Sprayed it dead along with the new expansion for august. Kept both the clover and aramath weed patch mowed to keep weeds in check to some extent over the summer.

This is july before fall foodplots. Ill try to get a pciture tomorrow. Clover is doing well, tried planting rye in the clover. Didn'r take spread n mow. I bought a set of tow behind discs for the ATV this year. Disced up both the expansion and the weedy spot to right. It's doing ok. Water has been tough this year. Might be why the rye didn't take in the clover plot. Disced about 3 passes, then threw oats rye and peas in, disced it one pass, then spread clovers n brassicas, then rolled it in with a lawn roller. I od have a cultipacker, but wanted it flat after all the discsing. Also leveld out some holes and dug a draingage channel from a low spot too.


No trophy buck haven, pretty open and neghbors keep it busy around sunset too. Almost a guaranteed doe or scrubby buck muzzleloader weekend in december though. Beats plain old mowing 5 acres back there. Poor tree in the front got rubbed by a buck this year. Caged it as soon as he started messing with it though.
I would just combine those and do a mix of clover and cereals. They work well together, keeping the carbon and nitrogen balanced.

I truly would never plant grains without clover. Nor would I plant clover without grains.
Clover with rye or oats fall-planted did great at our camp. We mowed the grains to release the clover the following year. Clover took off big-time. 3 to 4 years of good clover - then overseed with rye which fills in any thin spots. Can't beat rye for fall / over-winter chow IMO. Learned that from gents on here - they're right!!!
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Between the time this pic was taken and mid December, they had every green eaten off this field and then they started in on the bulbs.
Perfect. Deer start on our radish & turnip greens in October at our camp, and work on them into December and January until pretty well cleaned up. Greens and bulbs get dug up through snow when we have it. Bulbs last into spring, with deer eating them all winter. Bulb remnants STINK in the spring. High protein in the brassicas helps bucks re-build after rut stress. Nice pics.