Source for varieties of Chinese Chestnut


5 year old buck +
I'm looking for various types of Chinese Chestnut, other that the garden variety I already have. Burnt Ridge has varieties of European and Japanese, but those will blight in the Midwest. I read somewhere that someone was planting several varieties of Chinese, and I'd like to do that, but need a source.
I'd like to plant this Spring, and read that Redfern Farm is sold out.
Red Fern is sold out, and taking orders for later this Summer, but won't ship until Spring. Empire doesn't sell varieties of Chinese, they sell garden variety Chinese, Chinkapins and hybrids. I'm looking for varieties of Chinese, like Red Fern will have next year.
I think Empire is your best bet! Mr. Miller really knows his Chestnuts. There are some nurseries in Cal., but a lot of what they sell is not blight resistant.
There is a southern nursery that sells them in a package that controls drop time, but it might be a lot of hype!
I think Empire is your best bet! Mr. Miller really knows his Chestnuts. There are some nurseries in Cal., but a lot of what they sell is not blight resistant.
There is a southern nursery that sells them in a package that controls drop time, but it might be a lot of hype!

That Southern Nursery could be the answer. I'm looking for diversity but most importantly, varied drop times. What is that nursery? Could it be Lee Nursery in FL?
Wildlife Group sells a package of 4 or 5 cultivars with staggered drop times from the earliest to the latest. You have to get your name on a waiting list, and they are extremely expensive. I don't recall the price right off hand, but I remember it was more than I wanted to pay at the time. These are the ones developed at Auburn University. The trees are grafted. I would love to have some of the AU Buck IV (the latest dropping), but you have to buy the package.
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Wildlife Group sells a package of 4 or 5 cultivars with staggered drop times from the earliest to the latest. You have to get your name on a waiting list, and they are extremely expensive. I don't recall the price right off hand, but I remember it was more than I wanted to pay at the time. These are the ones developed at Auburn University. The trees are grafted. I would love to have some of the AU Buck IV (the latest dropping), but you have to buy the package.

I would love to have a few of these too but Im not buying into the hype... To pricey for this guy!
Yes it was the trees from Auburn University. No one else has been able to verify their claim on drop times. Hype???
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There are a few people selling on ebay if you want to take your chances there...I was looking at a guy who claims 95% American, blight resistant from Michigan who says he stored the seeds in the fridge...price is not as good as some of the normal places...
I bought a pound of the wildlife hybrid seed from Empire and started them inside. Not sure of what I recieved because it was a mix of chestnuts, kinda like the Forrest Gump box of chocalates. They seem to be growing well other than not knowing for sure what they are gor sure.
I would love to have a few of these too but Im not buying into the hype... To pricey for this guy!
Can somebody link me to that package? I looked at the website, but could not find the package.
Can somebody link me to that package? I looked at the website, but could not find the package.

It's not on their web site or in the catalogue this year for some reason. I was told you call and tell them if you want on the waiting list.
If you recall, how much was the package?
I'm skepticle! Honestly, has anyone seen or heard of chestnuts that drop in mid-November? There's an awful lot of people growing chestnuts and the lastest I've seen is mid- October. It would be awesome if true!
Not much choice but Oikos tree crops has some. I have bought hybrid oaks from them many times and they were fast growers.
I just saw some Chestnuts at Home Deport in Downers Grove IL ..$30 in 3 1/2 gallon container about 5 or 5 1/2 feet tall. I would guess these are Chineese.
My 2 year old Dunstans are over 7' tall. My question is, what are they doing wrong to only get 5'?
I still haven't found a source, and am unwilling to buy grafted trees. Burnt Ridge Nursery in WA has Chinese, and as I recall from a phone call several years ago, they have several varieties. I have to be careful when buying Chestnuts West of the Rockies, because they don't have blight so what they call blight resistant would get blight in the Midwest.