Son's antelope mount.

Nice looking mount.
Good looking mount, Congrats to him!
I really like it. Looks like some good work on that goat
Looks great and I'll bet he has a story to tell!
Looks good. Congrats to him!
Pronghorn antelope typically make really cool mounts. Tons of color changes and contrasts in the neck and face area, really cool set of horns. They are actually made of hair like the true horns of other ungulates, but it is crazy that they shed them every year as well, which other ungulates do not. You think finding whitetail sheds is hard, try finding a pronghorn shed some time. As far as table fair, you can have them. You might as well be eating a farm goat. Smells like a farm goat when you field dress them as well. I have tried it cooked many ways(by locals in WY who have done it for years) and really didn't take a liking to any of them. Probably best when ground and mixed with other meat and then smothered in bbq sauce. lol

I like the pose your boy chose, and that buck has some nicely defined cutters as well. Congrats to the young man!