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Someone convince that the auto workers


5 year old buck +
Aren’t a bunch of entitled brats who have to hide behind a socialist labor group to artificially inflate their wages since the free market doesn’t value them like they think. I’m all ears. also trump is a moron for going to support them imo.
I work in manufacturing in the petrochemical business. I got some stories on how useful unions are and aren’t. I am sure they were necessary and, on the whole, beneficial at one point in time. Not anymore. I mean no personal disrespect to any individual with those comments.
Aren’t a bunch of entitled brats who have to hide behind a socialist labor group to artificially inflate their wages since the free market doesn’t value them like they think. I’m all ears. also trump is a moron for going to support them imo.

Trump did that to force Biden to come out of his basement ... good tactic to have Biden confronted by the Unions since he is effectively destroying them &their jobs with his immigration, Green policies, & electric vehicles policies.
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I have mixed feelings. So, I won't enter the debate one side or the other. This I do know (I think). One day sooner than you think every factory will employ only one man -- and a dog. The dog will be there to keep anyone from touching the factory machinery, basically robots. The man will be there to feed the dog....
I have mixed feelings. So, I won't enter the debate one side or the other. This I do know (I think). One day sooner than you think every factory will employ only one man -- and a dog. The dog will be there to keep anyone from touching the factory machinery, basically robots. The man will be there to feed the dog....
Can’t blame companies for automating so they don’t have to deal with things like this.
I've read that electric vehicles take 40 hours less of man hours labor per vehicle to build than a gas vehicle. Lots of jobs will be lost.
I worked at a union factory for 10 years. The only thing the union did in exchange for my weekly dues, was fight to keep pot smokers from getting fired when they failed a random drug test.
I don’t hate unions unequivocally. My old man sure benefited from his laborers pension and I’ve managed some very large union and non-union projects and seen the benefit of skilled labor when it works like it’s supposed to. But man, UAW is asking for some funny shit.. 40 hour pay for 32 hour work weeks?! Makes it hard to not root against them!
I'm a union operating engineer. I can't say enough for what our union provides for us. Training, awesome insurance, great pay, one of the best pensions in the country, 401 k, HSA, etc. I've been a member 25 years and we have never went on strike. Being in the trades union is way different than in house/ factory. Our union won't back us up get fired unless it's over a safety issue. You get fired it your fault. Which I like. Almost all the big construction companies around us are union and all pay the same scale of pay. This is my biggest pro union point. Any union company bidding on work will get the work because they feel they are the best/ most efficient/ have the best workers. A non union company can pay there workers whatever they want. I hate that a company wins a bid because they pay the lowest and provide no or poor benefits. With all that, I agree with the auto workers are out of line. A 40 percent raise is ridiculous. They are going to be out of jobs in few years. They need to work together on something reasonable on both sides. These demands are not in my eyes.
26 year union member I believe the union to be necessary evil the company would screw us blind in a flat second if we didn’t have them. Do the unions sometimes protect dead beat clowns yes do those clowns eventually end their careers with the nonsense they pull generally yes they do despite the union. As I said they are a necessary evil in my industry. I’m no union fanboy but I’ve seen the nonsense the company comes up with regularly usually it’s a specific young managment company official that thinks the way to get promoted is with threats and intimidation or they simply don’t care for a specific union member for whatever imagined slight the offending union member has perpetrated against them. Generally speaking they usually calm down after a while but without the union they would have ruined good men’s careers over ridiculous nonsense. 40,000 employees it’s not to difficult to see that there are bad apples on both sides at varying levels within such a large company. I’ve been with the same outfit for all those 26 years when the labor market is easy for them to fill jobs they are particularly knit picking jackasses then when the labor market swings back to labors benefit and lots of guys are quitting all of a sudden they are the labors best friend it’s really so predictable at this point I just have to laugh about it and tell the young guys just wait a while and labor market will flip and whatever cycle we are currently in will swap.
I understand it’s 40% pay raise over 5 or 10 years.

But I am really disappointed with the whole industry.

They could make a safe serviceable pickup truck fo 1/3 of what they charge if they chose to.
I own an auto repair shop, and the strike also carries into the parts industry. Not only are they not making new parts, they are stopping the warehouse from shipping what they have. Trying to order factory parts now is almost impossible.

For instance, there are certain parts that aftermarket companies dont make. For an example, this week I needed a special fuse, nothing aftermarket. No dealers had it in stock, there was 186 orders ahead of me, and nothing is being built. They predicted 6-24 months after the strike ended.

Even common repairs like a timing chain job, before the strike parts were hard to come by, with a 2-6 week delivery date, now no estimated shipping date.

I need a bcm for a 2019 truck, this was before the strike, I was told 4-6 months, no clue now. This is a 50k truck, parked because no parts available, and used isnt an option.

It will only get worse.
Proud union member here who has headed up negotiations with management for many years. Honestly I'm surprised at the animosity towards unions on this forum considering in large part we are like minded folks. I don't know or really care about the issues at hand with the auto workers but I will say this. Unions should be very careful about what they ask for and how they go about asking. When greed and unreasonableness takes the lead the union may win the battle but it's long race not a sprint. Every "get" will come with a "give", whether that be now or later.
Proud union member here who has headed up negotiations with management for many years. Honestly I'm surprised at the animosity towards unions on this forum considering in large part we are like minded folks. I don't know or really care about the issues at hand with the auto workers but I will say this. Unions should be very careful about what they ask for and how they go about asking. When greed and unreasonableness takes the lead the union may win the battle but it's long race not a sprint. Every "get" will come with a "give", whether that be now or later.
There is truth in this statement my company offered the conductors on the trains maintenance positions getting them off the engines this would mean home every night no more overnight hotel nonsense. Changing the way the rail industry does business their positions on the engine have gone the way of the brakemen and firemen they are unneeded at this point. They refused the change so the company offered the positions to other unions. Eventually AI will make all positions on the engine obsolete and they will not even have the option to work those maintenance positions because another union has stepped up and taken the work. They screwed themselves on this one but it will take time to see those results very short sighted of them fighting technology advances is a long term losing proposition adapt or starve.
Proud union member here who has headed up negotiations with management for many years. Honestly I'm surprised at the animosity towards unions on this forum considering in large part we are like minded folks. I don't know or really care about the issues at hand with the auto workers but I will say this. Unions should be very careful about what they ask for and how they go about asking. When greed and unreasonableness takes the lead the union may win the battle but it's long race not a sprint. Every "get" will come with a "give", whether that be now or later.
Understood. Agree to disagree on their value to society. I feel they are steeped in socialist ideals and don’t reward individual achievements. They attempt to hold businesses hostage and in cases like this make economic policies worse for the rest of the country. Just look at who unions overwhelmingly support politically and look what politicians claim to back unions. If aoc is in your corner I’d want to vacate that corner so fast I’d rip my hamstring
I understand it’s 40% pay raise over 5 or 10 years.
I haven't followed this strike at all and hadn't heard the contracted raise would be over a period of up to 10 yrs. I just googled the cost of living increase and found it to be 8.7% this year. Over 10 years that's 87%, which is quite larger than 40%. I really hate how media twists things. What little I've heard is that it's crazy they want a 40% increase and we "should be outraged", but looking at it over a decade tells a different story.
Proud union member here who has headed up negotiations with management for many years. Honestly I'm surprised at the animosity towards unions on this forum considering in large part we are like minded folks. I don't know or really care about the issues at hand with the auto workers but I will say this. Unions should be very careful about what they ask for and how they go about asking. When greed and unreasonableness takes the lead the union may win the battle but it's long race not a sprint. Every "get" will come with a "give", whether that be now or later.

Unfortunately, I think all unions get lumped together, which isn't right, but it is what it is. IMO public sector unions haven't been the best for union proud. Teachers "unions" refusing to teach under covid and then forcing little kids to mask when they finally did hurt the brand even more than the rap already was. I know plenty of teachers that hate their union for a multitude of reasons.

When one collectively bargains against working tax payers it doesn't help garner support and all of them suffer.
I haven't followed this strike at all and hadn't heard the contracted raise would be over a period of up to 10 yrs. I just googled the cost of living increase and found it to be 8.7% this year. Over 10 years that's 87%, which is quite larger than 40%. I really hate how media twists things. What little I've heard is that it's crazy they want a 40% increase and we "should be outraged", but looking at it over a decade tells a different story.
Umm they want 40% PLUS cost of living increases yearly as I understand it.