Some other habitat to enjoy...


5 year old buck +
In my areas where lots of elm ravaged by another round of DED, I get to see pileated woodpeckers and a few of their smaller cousins every year. There is a second tree in the background with another future wildlife condo in progress.
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This is the edge of a spruce planting that did rather poorly due to an extremely dry summer the year of planting. Probably a 90% loss here. Further out of the picture, I did some replanting years ago. This area I kind of left alone and is really coming on strong with a bunch of milkweed and some goldenrod. Should keep the monarchs happy and sounds like they could use some help these days....
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I've been thinking of doing a pollinators plot to bring in bees and give the monarch's a little more to eat. I have butterfly weed wild, but would like a few other milkweeds. Hate that about your elms though.
Yes the elms are dropping like flies. Even a couple of lone wolfs I have out in the open area started looking bad last year and now are done this year. They held out 6-7 years longer than most other areas. Probably a third or more of my woods was elms due to not high on the preference list for cattle. My woods was pastured for many years after a high grading back in the 60s. Cows are gone but the deer have taken up the slack on the browse side......
Lots of good stuff happens in abandoned fields.
Yes that area I actually don't want to get too thick. Was brush hogging a big patch of prickly ash in it to keep it from spreading too much earlier today. I have that stuff all over on old fence edges so somewhat open areas are actually useful too. This happens to be a low ridge with a southern exposure and taller pines off to the NW. Snow is always gone from this spot first in the spring and even in the middle of winter you can find deer beds out in the open near the top soaking up some sun.