small gripe


5 year old buck +
This is not directed at anyone in particular and I have seen it on multiple forums.

Why do people take a picture of their computer screen and then post that versus posting the original picture? I mean you already have it in electronic format if it is on your screen, is it really easier to take a picture and post that than the original?

My best guess is it is an easy way to resize the picture, but if your smart enough to post to a forum, I bet you can make a copy of your photo and resize it with software.
I'm guilty of this a time or two. Usually when checking cards from my trail camera on my laptop with no internet connection at the cabin. Quick snapshot of the computer screen with my phone and with tapatalk the pic is posted online.
I have a friend that will take pics of bucks from the tiny viewer of his Covert Black 60 cam and text them to me. Most of the time I can't tell WTH is in the pic, drives me nuts.
I have a friend that will take pics of bucks from the tiny viewer of his Covert Black 60 cam and text them to me. Most of the time I can't tell WTH is in the pic, drives me nuts.

Now that's funny!
With my trail cameras they download to a computer in a out of the way place.

I usually connect to it via my IPad on the network.

I'm guilty of just grabbing a screen shot off the iPad cause its just easy and Im lazy :D

To get the Full resolution pic I have to log on to it, then email the original to myself.
Too LaZy :D.

But I do hate phone pics of a computer screen. Gets that wavy thing going on.
For me, ease of use with Tapatalk.

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I'm guilty of this a time or two. Usually when checking cards from my trail camera on my laptop with no internet connection at the cabin. Quick snapshot of the computer screen with my phone and with tapatalk the pic is posted online.
This is my excuse. No internet at camp. I have an old lap top to use as a card reader. At the end of the season I bring the laptop home and email all the pics I want to my IPad.
I get these kind of pics all the time from my boys, they take the laptop out with them and take a pic of the laptop. The thing is they are all tech savvy so that is what bugs me and that they think nothing of it, maybe it's just to tic me off.

A taste of what I get all the time, good thing it's a decent buck from last year.

I get these kind of pics all the time from my boys, they take the laptop out with them and take a pic of the laptop. The thing is they are all tech savvy so that is what bugs me and that they think nothing of it, maybe it's just to tic me off.

A taste of what I get all the time, good thing it's a decent buck from last year.

Nice keyboard. ..good example of why this bugs me.

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