5 year old buck +
I think the Thujas are NOT prostrate junipers.
Correct. They are not any type of juniper. Thuja is the genus name for Easter White Cedar, which is not actually a cedar.
I think the Thujas are NOT prostrate junipers.
Deer don’t browse….but damn those bucks like to rub! The ones I planted last year I “fenced in” with t posts, 2 strands of wire fence and one top line of mule tape for visibility….walked out this am and 2 were somehow hammered last night. He got in to the somehowone caution on the green giants is bag worms. If bag worms are prevalent in the area you'll have to spray every July once the worms show up. On the plus side Deer won't browse them.
Derek -I would go double row of miscanthus, then a row of green giants behind or in front of it. (On the full sun side). The grass will be a solid screen and when the green giants catch up, it will be even better.
I know there not really “wildlife” trees, but they have been great here in MD. I planted a row along my driveway to screen. I planted around 30 in spring of 2017, 8’ apart. They were about 18” tall. This year they are 20-22’ tall, and have been a full screen for atleast 2 years now.
I lost a few to bucks running them, so the next year I replaced those, caged them all with a good layer of mulch. I watered through the first summer, but haven’t touched them since. No fertilezer, nothing, and they have blown me away.
I don’t know how they compare to something like a Norway, which I see recommend a lot for a screen, but I could be happier.
I got the originals from a local orchard, but every year around now I wait for home depot or tractor supply to do their annual 50% off sale and buy all I can to keep extending my screen around the yard. I got 8 6’ers last fall for around 18 bucks a piece and they survived the summer with nothing from me
Deer don’t browse….but damn those bucks like to rub! The ones I planted last year I “fenced in” with t posts, 2 strands of wire fence and one top line of mule tape for visibility….walked out this am and 2 were somehow hammered last night. He got in to the somehow
I have 3 year old hybrid willows that are over 20’ tall and started as 2’ whips..probably wouldn’t work in that upper field as it’s pretty dry up there..have some hybrid polar up there that are doing well in a different screen thoughWillows do well for me and they grow fast and spread on their own.
I think one of my deer was at your place and brought some green giant home in his antlers.
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Definitely leaning towards the thujas now that I’m pretty sure they won’t be a CAR issue..could kinda spread them out in between my apples and at least thicken up the fence row and provide a visual barrier and maybe even someday be a bit more thermal cover up on my hillside.