Sick of winter already!

Well, I ended up having emergency surgery yesterday. Had a real bad attack Thursday night and it didn't go away. Finally went to ER in the AM and they took it right out. All full of stones and real inflamed. Now I've got pain from the surgery, but I should be getting better now!

Great pics guys. I don't think any of us get sick of hab pics, so keep them coming. NH I heat with wood, mamma is keeping it going now! :) Dr's orders!.

Liberty apples...View attachment 3488

Does it make me an apple-geek that I have 'branch training envy'?

Listen to your Doctor <grin>
"Does it make me an apple-geek that I have 'branch training envy'?" Maybe so Lot, but at the very least you've got a good eye! Thanks all, getting better, so long as I don't move much!

Wow Foggy, back yard, or a camp?

Maya - Happy to hear the gall's out & done. I hope you're feeling up to par real soon - ( or when it's convenient !!:D ) Momma TLC helps !!
That's a good looking Liberty in the pic. I'm anxious to see how the ones at camp progress this summer.
Maya - Happy to hear the gall's out & done. I hope you're feeling up to par real soon - ( or when it's convenient !!:D ) Momma TLC helps That's a good looking Liberty in the pic. I'm anxious to see how the ones at camp progress this summer.

They are simple to grow Bows. A few easy steps, plant properly, stake for a few years ( if on large rootstock) screen for vols and fence from deer. Hopefully you get rain, but yes you can add water to that list. I planted 2, 20 tree orchards of them for a client. I did the whole first orchard with them and most of the second. We ran out of window screen. I told them to get some and screen them, but they never did. They called me to go look at them two years later, and it was clear, no screens, vol damage. They still haven't done it. Maybe 7-8 survived but the are not even 7' tall, while the ones we did properly are 15' and fruiting well. Aside from what I said we did at planting we pruned them once, and they are doing great. I've got to go get some pics of them. Here's another Liberty last spring at my place.

I'm glad to hear you are on the mend, maya.

Any comments on enterprise or Nova Easy Grow?
Thanks Art. I don't have any experience with them, but it sure seems like it would be a great apple for deer managers and winter hardy for you polar bears out there in northern Minn.. Didn't you plant some?
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Thanks Art. I don't have any experience with them, but it sure seems like it would be a great apple for deer managers and winter hardy for you polar bears out there in northern Minn.. Didn't you plant some?
Yup, last spring.

Is there less focus on crab apples in the northeast?

You can probably grow so many bigger apples out there. I suspect those of us on the edge of the northern plains might be better served by crab apples. Crab apples seem to do OK with less management and care once established.
I think you should find bigger apples that will make it there. Have you ever talked to u Minn.? I've got and most growers do have crabs out here but they are for cross pollination or just ornamental. I had planted a bunch of these Indian crabs I got from the NWTF, but the deer didn't bother with them so I grafted most over to that wild apple I found that is a good hanger or to Liberty.Apples 09 039.jpg
I have sent emails to U of Mn. with no response on the deer apple issue. I suspect their interest is in the Royalties or whatever it is called with them now limiting who can grow their apples.

there has been just a bit of information from some apple groups and also an article from a horticulture department in northern Mn. There are more knowledgeable people on this forum as compared to some things I have read,
View attachment 3501

Out walking around and doing a few pond projects. It may have been cold but this crab"warmed" me up a bit!! Holding and dropping slowly. I sense grafting is in my very near future :)

View attachment 3503

Thinking spring and having coffee with my better half, pond side
Jeff-how big are those apples? Get me some scion and I will try a few for you.
George-when we had more deer, I watched deer walk by haralson, haralred, and red baron to eat chestnut crabs. The deer tastes run just like my tastes.
I don't know what kind of crab that is, Fish - but it looks like a perfect size for deer to grab in one bite. That pic w/ the diet Coke can and all the crabs on the ground paints a great picture for a deer magnet! The fact they're still hanging & dropping slowly is just what the doctor ordered for the mid-winter supplement for the deer. Grouse too?
Hey Maya

Good to hear everything when OK and your on the mend. Here's a pic to chase away the winter blahs. She's on a blackberry blossom, not an apple but you can still almost feel the sun beating down on you :)
Awesome pic Grey, thanks!

Just read about your surgery. Glad you are ok and good news is that you probably took off a few pounds with that gall bladder going bye bye lol. Just kidding but glad you got it taken care of sooner rather than later. Now it's time to think of retirement especially after being reminded that we aren't superman. Happy new year and have a great 2015
Thanks NH, ya it was messy here too, but I didn't have to deal with it. Dr's orders!
Great pic, Grey. Gonna get cold later this week like NH said. But hey, the days are getting a little longer every day now. Count-down's on 'til tree shipments !
Dang, I hate this sitten around crap! Anyone know of any good habitat video's on line?