Sick of winter already!

Thanks all, great spot Fish!
Good luck today.
Prayers for your surgical team, and a speedy recovery, George!
Speedy recovery Maya! On the positive side at least it isnt spring! Now you will be healed up and feeling good when spring does show up.
Hope it went well this morning.
I hope all goes well, Maya. Gall removal is a pretty routine procedure these days - which is a GOOD thing. Recovery was quick for my sister, but you can still milk it & head for the sun on a beach somewhere !!! :) Best wishes for a speedy, Maya !!
Best wishes for a quick recovery!
Adding my Best Wishes for a quick recovery.
Thanks all, I have an appointment w/ the surgeon in the AM............Ok let's see some more summer hab pics. It'll do us all some good! Any guesses, what pest did this?
Gypsy moth caterpillar?
Looks like what the striped oak caterpillars did to some of my poplars this summer.

apple tree planting & spring turkeys 08 039.jpg
Good luck & I hope all goes well.
Can't wait to be back in the boat!
N.H. - Nothing like having a good supply of firewood for the following year ( or 2 ). I'll be doing some clearing / cutting soon at my camp. It gives me ( and a couple others ) something to do outdoors in the winter AND has a beneficial effect on the habitat. It looks like your apple tree has some decent sunlight opening around it. Do the moose bother the apple trees much? Any bear probs.?
The one thing I look forward to this time of year is when I clear around the old apple trees. One of these still had 5 apples hanging. We got 3 ash and a couple balsams cleared. The apples need some pruning though.


Fire wood for next winter


That's great looking country!
Well, I ended up having emergency surgery yesterday. Had a real bad attack Thursday night and it didn't go away. Finally went to ER in the AM and they took it right out. All full of stones and real inflamed. Now I've got pain from the surgery, but I should be getting better now!

Great pics guys. I don't think any of us get sick of hab pics, so keep them coming. NH I heat with wood, mamma is keeping it going now! :) Dr's orders!.

Liberty tree planting & spring turkeys 08 049.jpg
Get well soon. Don't be afraid to milk it for awhile.
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Two sunsets at different times of the year. The snow one is actually a spring snowfall. :) Get well soon Maya.