Should this be allowed?

I'll take one. I'll buy anything Jim Shockey tells me to.
Plus I demand my own season without you string bow yahoos chasing away my deer.
Allowed? Sure, if States want to allow it then yeah, O.K. It's not my thing. But in no way is it "archery." I love this sentence from that site...."Simply put, the Pioneer Airbow enhances everything enthusiasts enjoy about archery hunting while making the sport safer and more accessible." Really? This enhances what archers enjoy about archery? BS. It's not archery.
I'm close to patenting a little something I've come up with myself. I have an aerial drone that I can control from my cabin to avoid weather discomfort. It has a camera and heat-seeking sensors to be able to pick up deer - even at night. It locates the deer of your choice, then launches a compressed air bolt at a speed of up to 825 ft./sec. The impact force alone will break the spine of the deer, flattening it on the spot. No need to track the deer. The drone will automatically hover in place after the shot and using it's GPS transmitter, send a signal back to my hand-held base unit. I can then leave the cabin and follow the GPS directional signals right to my deer. In the event of a night-time kill, I simply push a button on my base unit and activate the high-intensity LED downlight on the drone for gutting my deer. Gutting ........ I hate those manual tasks !!

Aaaaaahhhhhh ......... I love these primitive weapons seasons.
My only beef is why do they have to show the buffalo's last minute of life. Couldn't t they accomplish the same advertisement using a 3D target and not making the non hunting community whiteness that? Not that I would consider shooting a buffalo in a pen hunting.
When will this stop? What happened to the days when hunting with a bow and arrow required a guy to learn how to be self reliant? The old timers knew how to tune their own bows and and build their own arrows. Now all a guy needs to do is buy a crossbow and two hours later go hunting. To each his own, but if you can't see it's just a money grab for the industry you must be riding the short bus.
urban hunts. Give those guys that can't/don't/won't bow hunt traditionally another hunting option much the same as a crossbow.
When will this stop? What happened to the days when hunting with a bow and arrow required a guy to learn how to be self reliant?

I completely agree with your sentiment. But you're comparing apples and oranges. This is NOT archery. It's not a bow.
I completely agree with your sentiment. But you're comparing apples and oranges. This is NOT archery. It's not a bow.

I would agree too, if someone wants to use this during Rifle season I'm perfectly fine with it.
That should be perfectly legal in Pneumatic Driven Elongated Projectile season....;)
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I completely agree with your sentiment. But you're comparing apples and oranges. This is NOT archery. It's not a bow.
I agree, but with enough money and people like Jim Shockey endorsing it, it will become a bow. Is a crossbow honestly archery? Sure there is an arrow and a string, but there is no need to stay sharp with practice or the motion of drawing. Two major reasons why archery seasons were set up to be longer. When I was 12 and wanted badly to bow hunt, I practiced year round to build up the strength I needed to draw a hunting bow. Now days if your 12 year old weakling can't pull a bow you buy him a crossbow. All everybody wants is the archery season. How many air gun and crossbow fans would there be with a week long season in November? With enough push here is the new "archery" tool.
I agree, but with enough money and people like Jim Shockey endorsing it, it will become a bow. Is a crossbow honestly archery? Sure there is an arrow and a string, but there is no need to stay sharp with practice or the motion of drawing. Two major reasons why archery seasons were set up to be longer. When I was 12 and wanted badly to bow hunt, I practiced year round to build up the strength I needed to draw a hunting bow. Now days if your 12 year old weakling can't pull a bow you buy him a crossbow. All everybody wants is the archery season. How many air gun and crossbow fans would there be with a week long season in November? With enough push here is the new "archery" tool.

I hear you. Don't get me wrong. I agree with you 100%. I personally think this thing has a goofy "Rambo" wanna-be thing going on. The video with Shockey killing the pet bison is just painful to watch for so many reasons.
I'm close to patenting a little something I've come up with myself. I have an aerial drone that I can control from my cabin to avoid weather discomfort. It has a camera and heat-seeking sensors to be able to pick up deer - even at night. It locates the deer of your choice, then launches a compressed air bolt at a speed of up to 825 ft./sec. The impact force alone will break the spine of the deer, flattening it on the spot. No need to track the deer. The drone will automatically hover in place after the shot and using it's GPS transmitter, send a signal back to my hand-held base unit. I can then leave the cabin and follow the GPS directional signals right to my deer. In the event of a night-time kill, I simply push a button on my base unit and activate the high-intensity LED downlight on the drone for gutting my deer. Gutting ........ I hate those manual tasks !!

Aaaaaahhhhhh ......... I love these primitive weapons seasons.
It doesn't stop, hunting/habitat technology. You bring up a great idea! All the talk is taking your property to the next level right? All I here on forums like this, "I don't have the time to learn to hunt my property", "I want to maximize my chances at bullwinkle", buck beds, sanctuaries, etc. I hate to give habitat consultants ideas, but it's coming anyway with the modern landowners mentality.
Hire a consultant to map bedding areas with thermal imaging drones. Let's get serious about bedding areas and really become superior hunters!!!!
It's about results boys and girls, we don't have patience or desire to actually experience a hunt. Just pay someone to guide you on your own land. Bedding areas are determined, odds of maximizing a kill are comparable to a high fence.
After everything is mapped out with multiple thermal imaging surveys, Set the oxonics up in a cutting edge blind. Don't have to know how to shoot anymore, have ole Betsy resting in the lead sled shooting cradle for da thirty pointer leaving the sanctuary on a pre determined trail to the antler King plot.
We are very close to a point we can no longer call ourselves hunters. If I offend you, because you don't have "time" to actually be a better Hunter and satisfy the antler ego, you should really reflect on why you are doing this stuff in the first place!
Let's hear ego rationalization, I know the really cool kids have them.....
NWWI - The reason I chose to take up archery hunting many years ago was for the challenge. Lots of practice ( fun when with hunting buddies ), toning those " drawing " muscles, scouting, backtracking deer sign, picking stand locations. But the main reason was the challenge of trying to get within 25 yds. - less preferably - of a deer and get a clean, killing shot by drawing and firing my bow. I don't have a x-bow, but I hear they're accurate out to 60 yds. ?? What about the pneumatic arrow/bolt gun - how far are they good for ?? They're not my cup of tea. I'll stick to my own criteria for a challenging hunt/shot. I enjoy this method too much. Just MO. So I agree with you.
My only beef is why do they have to show the buffalo's last minute of life. Couldn't t they accomplish the same advertisement using a 3D target and not making the non hunting community whiteness that? Not that I would consider shooting a buffalo in a pen hunting.

I couldn't agree more. Pretty low class showing that pet with blood coming out of his nose mouth.

And as for the 1st shot, I love how they were "sneaking up" on the bison....

As for many of the other comments, why does every discussion turn into the same issues over and over? Many of them don't even address the original question?

I don't really have a horse in the race for the "air bow". Doesn't interest me other than maybe carp fishing?

These guys are very late to the game. The arrow rifle was popularized in 1970'something. It scared the crap out of me at 10 years old. Heck I was affraid to swim in a lake when clouds made dark spots in the water.
Screw that thing, I'm going to continue to use what I have until they legalize some real primitive weapon horsepower.............

the Wookie Bowcaster!!!


I'm having Chewbacca custom build me one now so I can be ready once I start the push to legalize them.
Screw that thing, I'm going to continue to use what I have until they legalize some real primitive weapon horsepower.............

the Wookie Bowcaster!!!

View attachment 8247

I'm having Chewbacca custom build me one now so I can be ready once I start the push to legalize them.

Ha. It's funny I thought that thing JS was swinging looked like a Star Wars blaster.

But Johns right it would be cool for shooting carp.
It doesn't stop, hunting/habitat technology. You bring up a great idea! All the talk is taking your property to the next level right? All I here on forums like this, "I don't have the time to learn to hunt my property", "I want to maximize my chances at bullwinkle", buck beds, sanctuaries, etc. I hate to give habitat consultants ideas, but it's coming anyway with the modern landowners mentality.
Hire a consultant to map bedding areas with thermal imaging drones. Let's get serious about bedding areas and really become superior hunters!!!!
It's about results boys and girls, we don't have patience or desire to actually experience a hunt. Just pay someone to guide you on your own land. Bedding areas are determined, odds of maximizing a kill are comparable to a high fence.
After everything is mapped out with multiple thermal imaging surveys, Set the oxonics up in a cutting edge blind. Don't have to know how to shoot anymore, have ole Betsy resting in the lead sled shooting cradle for da thirty pointer leaving the sanctuary on a pre determined trail to the antler King plot.
We are very close to a point we can no longer call ourselves hunters. If I offend you, because you don't have "time" to actually be a better Hunter and satisfy the antler ego, you should really reflect on why you are doing this stuff in the first place!
Let's hear ego rationalization, I know the really cool kids have them.....

Holy crap. I never imagined I would say this, but Dipper, I actually agree with you for the most part. I have no problem with guys hiring consultants to teach them how to manage their land, and then actually going out and putting in the work to improve their property. What I do take issue with is the same "immediate gratification" attitude that I see in teenagers, coming out in hunters nowadays. If these guys don't enjoy the habitat work and the sense of accomplishment that doing it yourself brings, they should pay for a hunt. Making it easier and easier to kill mature deer will only further minimize our sport.