Seed and Spray with Liberty???


5 year old buck +
Well I planted brassicas in early July and its been a dustbowl. Nothing has come up and now my plot is full of waterhemp. Its supposed to POUR on Sunday here and im wondering if I can spray Liberty tomorrow and plant at the same time? I know I can with Gly but is that ok with Liberty???

My plan is to rebroadcast GHR and Rape into the waterhemp, then drag, then spray. Opinions?
I did it last year. No adverse effects to my brassicas from using liberty. Now my wallet, that was a different story :)
I hear you Bill... but man... it feels good watching that waterhemp curl up like a kettle chip in a matter of days!

I hear you Bill... but man... it feels good watching that waterhemp curl up like a kettle chip in a matter of days!


Yes it does! Don’t know if it helps with broadleaf but I add AMS to help with the grass. Seems like the pig weed is curling in 24 hours.
I guess I havent tried it WITHOUT AMS.... but I agree it really works fast!