Scrape Drippers?

Big G-2

5 year old buck +
Wondering how many have used them, if so, did you have any success with them?

When do you put them out?

I'm in Southern WI, and I'm thinking about putting one out this weekend, October 8th.
Wondering how many have used them, if so, did you have any success with them?

When do you put them out?

I'm in Southern WI, and I'm thinking about putting one out this weekend, October 8th.

It's been probably 15 yes since I last used one. The scrapes I made using them got used...but not anymore or any less than ones I've made with out them. I wouldn't say they are a game changer or anything like that. Nowadays I have mock scrapes that have been in use for 5+ yrs, and they get some form of use by deer of both sexes and all age classes pretty much year round. Outside of the fall/winter, pre rut/rut/post rut the deer pretty much either just sniff the ground under the licking branch or they nose the licking branch a little bit and move on. But every year in September (basically once velvet peels, the Bucks start going through the motions more intensely...pawing up the ground, raking antlers on the licking branch, get the pre orbitals going on the branch, and rub urinating in the scrapes. So most years in September I start scraping up the ground under the licking branches and adding scent...either my own "bladder brew" or a commercially produced deer urine. This year I think I'm going with just my own personal flavor.

Sent from 25 ft up a tree
I use them every year. Its a great way to get the deer started in the area I want. Then the deer take over, and I don't think they are needed the rest of the season.
Isn't the idea behind them this time of year, to make the mature buck in your area, think there is a new buck in his area?
I try and get a scrape line started of sorts. Hunt the deer coming and going.
Isn't the idea behind them this time of year, to make the mature buck in your area, think there is a new buck in his area?

It's completely possible that scenario could play itself out, but the vast majority of scrapes are used by so many different deer of all sexes and and age classes that I doubt a particular mature buck will constantly, purposefully and specifically check a scrape to try to intercept an "intruder" buck.
I have two mock scrape set ups 40 yds apart on the same food plot and both have cams on them...more often than not I don't get pics of the same buck at one scrape and then a few mins later at the other scrape. By say two or three days later that same buck may work the other scrape and then not go back to the first one.
I also think there are several different types of scrapes based on location and bucks react/interact with them differently.
I pretty much use my mock scrape set ups for camera purposes as well as creating focal points for bucks when they come into the plot...when I'm in my stand on that plot, the scrapes put them in my lap and usually in a good quartering away or broadside position. It also preoccupies them and and makes it easier to get to full draw without being noticed.

Sent from 25 ft up a tree
Creating a mock scrape with a dripper today. Licking branch sticks out about 3 feet above ground. Too what height do i need to raise it?
I have read somewhere, to put the branch about 46" above ground, not sure if it has to be that exact though. I've also heard chest high on most guys works also.
Creating a mock scrape with a dripper today. Licking branch sticks out about 3 feet above ground. Too what height do i need to raise it?

I'm 5'8" and i try to get a finger sized branch or three around shoulder height...a little lower is good too. But once established, if the branch breaks and ends up a little higher...they will tear up on their hinds to get up on the branch!

Sent from 25 ft up a tree
Phil - X-2 with you thoughts on post #6. I think some scrapes are made out of frustration by bucks and some never get used again. The ones that get repeat traffic by bucks ( from my experience ), are the ones that does leave scent at, #1 or #2, and that are in or near escape cover.
I agree with the " distraction " factor for getting to full draw. I've killed some bucks just after they freshened a scrape !! ;)