Scrape Cam


5 year old buck +
here's a look at some of the bucks that I have been getting at or very near one of the mock scrapes i started this year. The one scrape is on an Autumn Olive....I've been reluctant to kill the shrub because i always get good scrape action on it...and it kinda helps form a funnel in the plot.

there may be some repeats...but not too many.

these two little guys spend the better part of a night shoving each other around in my plot.

had this guy chasing does all around me Saturday evening (November 8th)

this guy looks pretty cool.

this guy is a hog....of course i was not in my stand that morning...fml.

You have some very nice bucks to go after!
Hope you have a chance at one, great pics.
I shot a buck this AM! It's not one from the pics...but i have had two encounters with him total...this last one didn't turn out so well for him.

Nice bucks. With all the nocturnal pics.....maybe you need to try land mines? ;)
I wouldn't touch that tree - not with it getting that type of attention. Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
Nice trail pics. Congrats on the buck.
Way to go Phil !!! Nice pix too. That shrub has something going for it. I'd be taking good care of it ! Gonna keep the cams going for awhile???
pics will be coming soon fellas! I took thursday and friday off....i knew i needed to be in the stand as much as possible as they were my last 2 days of the early archery season to hunt. i also had to help my wife do all the prep work for our son's 1st birthday party on Saturday. Needless to say...after killing my buck and getting him cut up it has been crazy with Mickey Mouse decorations.
Well Done
Way to go Phil !!! Nice pix too. That shrub has something going for it. I'd be taking good care of it ! Gonna keep the cams going for awhile???
Cams will be out for a while...i typically pull them for them for most of rifle season for security purposes....rifle season is when i get intrusion...but it doesn't always happen. As the rut winds down i will reposition the cams on the plot.