Scent control


5 year old buck +
The other day while sitting in the stand I got to wondering about scent control. I wash my cloths with a scent free detergent, shower and use scent free there also. After the cloths are hung out they are sprayed with scent killer or another appropriate product. After hanging on the line for a few days they are put into a scent free bag with an earth or acorn wafer. Drive to the property in sweats that were sprayed with scent killer, change into hunting cloths at the property. Here's the question, do you or would you spray yourself again with the scent killer? If you do what good would putting the cloths into the scent free bag with a wafer do. Just curious what other do. I'm hoping Steve chimes in as he has mentioned he's a scent control freak.
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The way you do it is about exactly how I do it except I don't have a drive to the property. I usually wear light clothes to the stand and pack my heavier stuff in my backpack, once in stand I spray down after the walk in.
That's about my routine also.
I used to also take activated carbon powder in my hand, spray it with scent killer and use to camo my face and hands. But that stuff is a mess and I didn't want to be accused of going blackface.
I do the same with my clothes as you but I had a doe catch my scent where I walked in and she sniffed every step I took and ended up near the base of my tree. Fortunately she never spooked but it got me thinking. I was checking out the nose jammer soap and spray at fleet farm and almost bought it but I wasn't sure if it would work. I know batman said good things about it but has anyone not in the outdoor industry tried it? I noticed it has a pretty strong odor to it so that is why I was hesitant to buy it.
I do many of the things you listed - I take the spray with me to the tree to cover when I sweat going to the stand. Biggest thing I do however is ALWAYS play the wind. I truly think you can minimize your scent but never be entirely scent free.
I do many of the things you listed - I take the spray with me to the tree to cover when I sweat going to the stand. Biggest thing I do however is ALWAYS play the wind. I truly think you can minimize your scent but never be entirely scent free.


The only other thing I do is I always take something from the habitat I am hunting and rub it on my boots or pant leg. I grab a handful of dirt or spruce needles and rub it onto my pants. I'll crush and rub an apple on the bark of the tree I am sitting in. Just something to cover my scent a bit.
My 2 cents worth. Bacteria is what causes human odor so I put a priority on killing the bacteria instead of using cover scents to cover it up. In my opinion you still smell the same to a deer no matter what you rub on yourself or store your clothes in. I use hydrogen peroxide , soap and also the scent killer spray. Of most concern is breath, boots (inside and out), gloves (inside and out ) and hat (inside and out).
I do all the scent-free clothes washing, showering, scent-killing deodorant, hanging my clothes outside 24-7 when I'm at camp. I spray fall scent Scent Killer on my camo & inside my hat and high rubber boots, as well as the outside of them. I rub a few sprigs of white pine on my camo in the groin area and in the arm pits and all over my hat. I take a couple apples with me and always rub one on a tree near my stand like Natty does. I usually EAT an apple once in the stand and I take teaberry gum to chew afterwards. Both are natural scents and cover my breath. The one easy, FREE thing I do since I have high rubber boots is to walk in and smear some deer droppings all over my boots - from 2 or 3 different piles. I've had deer cross my walking trail and come sniffing along and present a shot - but never show any alarm. Several different piles gives a better chance of stepping in a pile of an estrus doe around rut time. ( for this last tip, send your $$$ for thanks and support of the Bowsnbucks Deer Secrets Research Center to !!! ) :D

I'm not affiliated with any outdoor business - just an avid bowhunter !
The other day while sitting in the stand I got to wondering about scent control. I wash my cloths with a scent free detergent, shower and use scent free there also. After the cloths are hung out they are sprayed with scent killer or another appropriate product. After hanging on the line for a few days they are put into a scent free bag with an earth or acorn wafer. Drive to the property in sweats that were sprayed with scent killer, change into hunting cloths at the property. Here's the question, do you or would you spray yourself again with the scent killer? If you do what good would putting the cloths into the scent free bag with a wafer do. Just curious what other do. I'm hoping Steve chimes in as he has mentioned he's a scent control freak.

I usually spray down once I GET to my stand. I also spray every layer as I dress, not a bunch on my baselayers, but I do a heavy spraying on my outermost layer. I also step on an apple when I walk in. I use leather boots, but have never had a deer spook from smelling the ground. I also ONLY use those boots for hunting. I also found one of those scent free bags (the expensive ones that mathews is affiliated with) I got it on sale for $50, and I just keep all of my clothes in there. It keeps them all together throughout the season. I also use a 3-D ASAT suit. I usually leave that hanging in a spruce tree near the road when I walk out. It's nowhere near where I want deer. Maybe not a good idea though. I use scentkiller Gold bodywash/shampoo. On stand, I use an acorn wafer, or cover scent (even used nose jammer a few times with no results to say it DOESN'T work... but none that that say it does. I also make sure that if I'm hungry, I eat an apple. I like the ConQuest herd in a stick. I just put a little bit of that at the base of my stand. I've never had a deer come and smell it, but I do notice that deer are pretty calm. To say that it's because of that would be stupid, but I think it helps a bit. I use about 1 stick every year, so at the $10.00 or whatever I'm fine with it.

I think one thing that a lot of people forget to spray down is out accessories (backpacks, release, bows, harness, binos etc...) I usually spray those down a week before and leave them hanging outside. My bow I just spray everything fabric and put it in a bad filled with cedar and pine once it dries. The few times I've been scented, I would say it because I didn't spray my release or binos. The one thing I take to the field that I don't spray is a good book, but I try to leave that outside for as long as I can prior to the hunt.

+1 for the usual, and MANDATORY for bowhunting, play the wind.
Back in the day, I would charge up my Scent Lok liner in the dryer, shower, and spray down before heading to the stand. When deer would get downwind, they still knew I was there. Now, I don't do any of that stuff and enjoy my time in the woods more than ever. Pay close attention to the wind and be mindful of entry/exit routes.
Here's some additional things I do not sure it helps that much more but may be worth a try. I take internal deodorant nullo tablets starting 2 weeks before deer season, I use scent free soap, deodorant during the season everyday whether I am hunting or not. I rotate them usually between 3 or 4 with different active ingredients to get a wide spectrum of bacterial killing. I have even used surgical scrubs during the month of November. I store my outer layer of winke's control suit separate and rotate them between 4. I put them on using new gloves and air them out after every hunt never touch with bare hands. New glove and facemask for every hunt that are saturated in carbon powder and another product Jim Bruaker recommended.

All my clothes are washed in a separate washer that only sees hunting clothes and are dried outside on the line or in a closet in the basement with an ozone machine running. I use a separate shower and wash my towels and clothes I ride to the property similar to my hunting clothes. I also run an ozone machine in my vehicle prior to going hunting.
Tooln, Sorry for the late response. Doing it as you describe, there's no reason to spray again, except if you are at all concerned that you may have contaminated the cloths with odors since. Personally, I spray my boots, release strap (be careful to not spray the release head, as the repeated exposure to moisture will eventually ruin the internal spring), bow (again, avoid the rest if it is spring loaded) and pack each time before heading to the stand.
Thanks everyone for the replays. It's always nice to know what other's do.
I am super lazy. I Jam everything. The stuff is awesome.