Salute to all the habitat folks


5 year old buck +
I just wanted to give a tip of the hat to all you diligent habitat guys / girls for the dedication you all show to improving your local habitats. It benefits hunting - sure - but it also benefits other non-game critters too and adds diversity that future generations can enjoy. Some folks just enjoy the country and the peace and quiet it provides. All you do is adding to the tapestry of the land and preserving that beauty for today and into the future. I include the guys who were banned and those that left as a result. They are no less dedicated to habitat and the environment. I salute all of you guys !! :)
We need to send a salute right back at you, because you are one too. And, some people are just good at encouraging others - you are one of those. Sometimes a little encouragement is the difference between hanging on or letting go of the rope. You've also done your homework on apples and lots of other habitat factors, and its obviously getting the job done for you - and helping others at the same time.

I will also wish everyone a great 4th of July, and a special one to those who served our country so we can enjoy the freedoms we have!