Rut Report North MO, IA, Illinois

MN Slick

5 year old buck +
By most accounts the rut was goofy again this year. Just too warm and dead calm? Trickle rut? Seems like the 11/14 full moon would have set up for a bit more traditional type rut. I hunted extreme Northern MO from 11/5-11/13 and saw virtually no cruising and very little chasing. According to my cams the first 4-5 days of November, which were very warm also, showed more mature bucks on their feet during daylight than the time period I hunted. Mornings were plenty cool enough for a burst of cruising but I saw none. We started seeing older bucks locked down with does on 11/7 which seems a bit earlier than normal too

I thought I had my hunting dates dialed in after 2013 and 2014 but the last 2 years has me searching again. One thing for sure, I need to retool my rut strategy as I'm way too focused on rut cruising stands and some years cruising never really materializes.
Someone brought up a really good point in another thread. We get one good year of chasing and running and think that's the norm. I actually agree with that. This year is more the norm and the running around like nuts is the odd "great" year.

The rut happened in N. MO. I just think it went down while we slept at night.
It seemed the same around my hunting location, too, Bill. ^^^^^ Night time activity mainly. Daylight sightings of cruisers / chasers were next to none. A member of camp with cams out all over showed us all of the big boy pix were at night - 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Night-vision goggles ??? :(
I left Missouri this morning and saw the one buck I wanted finally heading into our bedding area. Have not seen him all year. I also seen a monster a mile down the road sniffing in the road ditch. Saw a big one on the way to the deer stand in the dark yesterday morning. A lot of Doe's still have their fawns with them. I personally think it is late and has just started this past week. I could be wrong, but I know some big bucks are on their feet in NW MO. And some big bucks missed getting killed during the rifle season. So that is a good thing!
In SW MO, it was completely different on our property than the last 2 years. The last 2 years we saw mature bucks along with 2-3 year old bucks...This year, the oldest bucks we saw were seeing during daylight were 2 years old. Dad did see a good one the first week of November, and then again November 10th in the AM. I did also see 1 chasing the AM of November 10th. Stand time was also the same as normal. I am a bit confused since this was our best year for summer cam pics as well with mature bucks. Maybe we've got too many does and they had no reason to chase at our place...but, we should still see them crossing from woodlot to woodlot with how our property sets up.
One thing I did notice on our place this year, we've got this one narrow field where the edge is tore up with scrapes. This year, it wasn't tore up at all. Had a couple small ones and that's it. It also didn't get hayed until the first week of November...
Yep I'm hoping some of the big boys simply laid low and made it.
MDC recorded a higher kill this season over last by about 5000 so I don't know. My son and I saw small bucks heavily bumping does this afternoon. 3.5 yo scented the does but never pushed them. Also saw a yearling alone. Mom got shot or she's otherwise occupied.
From what I've heard, Iowa rut was slower than normal. Pretty warm, but cool days resulted in more action.

Next week is the shotgun season and deer will move regardless, because many groups push deer and get them up and moving.

Sit tight and wait for them to push em in... That's our strategy.
I'll chime in from Pa... It's going on hot and heavy here right now. Deer running past my house is almost constant in the last 2 days.
I really have trouble believing Alzheimer's rut predictions, but it does seem to be happening a little later here this year...just my anecdotal observations, though.
I was in OH for Monday and Tuesday after that cold front came in. High of 39° on Monday 18° that night, 44° on Tuesday for a high. It was absurd how many bucks I saw cruising, chasing and following does. Best rut activity I've seen in my life. Movement ALL day long. I sat every hour of daylight both days and never went more than 10 minutes or so without seeing a deer. Had an encounter with the biggest buck I've ever laid eyes on at 3:50 on Monday at 50 yards , then had a mid 160's at about 80 yards Tuesday at 11:15.
Late rut, or finally cool enough weather for some daylight movement? ? Who knows, but I'll take it !

ONLY bad thing was I think they are wore down enough where calling was 100% useless. Could barely get them to look in my direction, let alone change the direction they were walking by a few yards.
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I am sitting in central iowa(roland), at my new wifes extended families pig farm wishing i was in a tree in wisconsin.:(Got the tour of thousands of hogs, 15 tractors, combine, 14 snowmobiles, dirtbikes, 2 69' barracuda 440's, 67'nova, cobra kit car, ect. Then my wifes cousin shows me a pic of his friends brothers bowbuck shot just south of des moines. Main frame 14, this buck will score between 195-215. Trying to get a pic.

That buck is crazy big.
My sons on his last stand. We blow out tomorrow. He's just sent me this from his phone.

Activity is up we should be staying not leaving.

But he's having a heck of a hunt.

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Yep. The guy moved the head to an undisclosed relatives deepfreeze. His phone is burning up with endorsement deals.

I won with my flexo lite ping pong paddle and you can too!
Someone brought up a really good point in another thread. We get one good year of chasing and running and think that's the norm. I actually agree with that. This year is more the norm and the running around like nuts is the odd "great" year.

The rut happened in N. MO. I just think it went down while we slept at night.

I think this nails it perfectly. Thanks to magazines, hunting shows, and our own selective memory we have expectations of bucks running all over drunk on love and the fact is it rarely plays out that way. Since 2010 I've only had 2 years in North MO and Southern IA that I've experienced intense ruts, 2013 and 2014. Interestingly, many guys said 2013 was a terrible rut.
NoFo, post #9 - That buck is incredible !!! Rack has it all - points, tines, mass, beams & bases. Let us know what it scores after 60. ( If you can get that info ). If it's gonna go real high in the book, maybe there will be articles written about it.
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