Rubbing posts - giant cuttings?

Cool, this means trees planted in the wrong place can be moved.

I'm gonna have to try on next year.
Cool, this means trees planted in the wrong place can be moved.

I'm gonna have to try on next year.

You bet, the 'cuttings' I started with were 3 years old, and still did well.

Just bury as much as you can. With a little rain they will do just fine (and be out of the deer's reach the day you plant them)!

I did the same thing this year with some very tall hybrid poplar cuttings. I did it even on better, I just shoved them in the wet soil! I have no idea how much I got in. They are still living and in my opinion thriving! I seriously have no idea how you can kill these hybrid poplars sometimes. I found some that fell off my trailer after two weeks. I put them in a bucket of water and they sprouted!

I will say quite often I take my "normal" cuttings and soak them in a bucket of water with the root hormone for a week. Once I see all kinds of nodules coming off the shoots, I shove them in the ground. Does it help or not?? No clue, I think it works and that is all that matters!! :)
I put a video together of the deer that showed up during September, October, and November at the "giant cutting"....... It's tough to see in the video, but there are bucks urinating on scrapes below the licking branches, a bear, and a few fawns. It turned out to be a fun project for the season.

Click on the picture to load the YouTube video.

camera4 p_000792.jpg

That is cool stuff John. I'll be planting some poles. Thanks
Hybrid Poplar attracts bucks like a magnet. HP is so attractive to bucks that it can be planted to form a scrape line, and no amount of rubbing will kill the trees. Nice project John, I enjoyed seeing the process on film that I've observed for several years since planting HP cuttings for deer habitat.