Rootstock Size

KY wild

5 year old buck +
I have ordered my rootstock from the same company the last three years and the size keeps getting larger. Some of you may prefer a larger diameter rootstock but I am having a hard time finding scion large enough to match the rootstock. This year almost all is larger than a pencil. My question is this normal, is most rootstock that you get larger than a pencil? I know ways to graft small to large but I have best luck grafting same size stock. Other wise rootstock is top rate
I've had some variance in rootstock diameter, but large hasn't been as much of a problem as extremely small rootstock.

I also prefer to have the same diameter rootstock and scion if possible. Sometimes that means I graft the rootstock a foot up where the diameter is smaller. On extra large rootstock, I'll use 2 small scion to graft with the 1 rootstock. If both scion take, then I'll let them grow for a while until I remove the smaller scion.
IVe seen commercial nurseries charge more for larger roostock. You'd rhink its less desireable.

Alot of places chip bud trees. Not tounge a whip.

Do the best you can, if they do not take plant them where you want and topwork in 1-3 years. Could also chip bud, then prune out the rootstock shoot above it in the winter.

This might help some.

I cut the larger rootstock at a less steep angle. So your contact patch isn't as long. Then cut the scion with a steeper angle. The stick leans a bit to the side, but makes a good contact with the green cambrium. Wrap it with grafting tape, then using sticky side out, wrap with electrical tape. The electrical tape gives good compression on the less than ideal joint. About a month later undo the electrical tape. Do not rip a piece of electrical tape out, cut it. Pulled tape edge wrinckles back on itself making it not seal. You can offset the rootstock to make the scion stick up it the air properly.
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