Replacement for Black Ash


A good 3 year old buck
For those of you that have northern lowlands with Black Ash, what are your thoughts on possible replacement species as EAB makes it's way through the region.

Let nature take it's course and convert to what comes in.

Plant/promote some type of conifer such as Hemlock, Cedar, Balsam Fir or Black Spruce.

Plant/promote a deciduous tree such as Yellow Birch or Swamp White Oak.

Any other suggestions??????????????
SWO won't grow where my black ash is. Black spruce might, but needs more top soil "mounds" to get established. Then again, my water table is artificially elevated now and my ash are drowning too.

EAB is a gamble. I think there's enough diversity in the lows I've seen with black ash that natural succession is probably the way to play it; unless you're looking to convert to a cedar/tamarack/spruce forest type.

Yellow birch and dogwoods would be options to consider too.
Not sure where you are at but our Hemlocks are dying from wooly adelgid.
Not sure where you are at but our Hemlocks are dying from wooly adelgid.
I have read about the wooly adelgid. Seems like future tree diversity (except for invasives) is not looking good.
EAB, Oak Wilt, Thousand Canker, White Pine Blister, Asian longhorn Beetle, Pine Beetle.............the list goes on........why can't something come along that attacks Buckthorn, Box Elder and Ironwood.
They have that - it's called a chainsaw. :D
I talked with my forester a couple weeks back. He suggested plant plant plant cause ash will be gone soon
Tamarack exist in my black ash swamp and I hope they will increase I n numbers. I also have some balsam in there.
You have to factor in reed canary grass, and it's ability to choke out any natural regeneration. If the canary grass isn't currently present in nearby habitat, you could be fine. Canary grass needs to be considered along with the ash borer.
Hopefully I will be set up by early next fall to start some logging projects on our new property. Land goes into MFL on January 1st and I have the go ahead from the forester to take out all of the saw log sized Ash. (mostly white) Fortunately, the percentage of Ash on the property is less than a few percent.
Just an inconvenient fact : almost all the invasive insects we have to deal with that are killing our native trees were brought here from Asia via shipping materials or because some greedy genius thought they could make a batch of $$$ from the use or product ( silk ) of those insects. ( EAB, Gypsy moth, wooly Adelgid to name only 3 )


Oh wait.................... The corporate tycoons that do the shipping AREN'T paying for all the damage they're causing????? Our tax dollars are paying for the forestry folks to spray, collect seed for re-planting forests, research to find natural insects to combat the " invaders ", university studies to find ways to fight non-native insects and diseases ???? OUR tax dollars are paying for all that????? Whadya mean stuck with the bill????? AND the environmental aftermath ????? What the........ Who?........How?..........

Some things ARE NECESSARY, boys. Not all gov. agencies are a waste. One way or the other - WE pay.............. Not the big money "pillars of the community ". You want to see who's gonna pay ( in one way or another ) for the damage all those foreign stow-away invasives do in the U.S. ??? Look in the mirror.
I would look at getting some conifer plantings in those areas along with beneficial wet/lowland type shrubs like button bush and highbush cranberry. SWO may work on the "highest areas. If you are worried about browse pressure and do not want to cage, plant clusters of them into the downed tops of the trees you drop.