repair day for pull behind disc.


5 year old buck +
I have a fun day ahead trying to repair an old disc, couple bolts have worn through surrounding metal and a couple axles have some funny angles to them now. going to load up the generator, drill, circular saw in the truck. Then stopping for bolts, metal blade, drill bits. Hope to be able to get everything back where it belongs. If there is time after that I may spray an area or two that are thick with mugwort, dam perennial weed that I despise. After yesterdays full day of rain, through the night even it is all I can hope to do today. on an strictly ironic note, my Utah concealed cary permit arrived yesterday, just 4 days after the PA stat ag general pulled the reciprocity clause, making the Utah permit good in only 32 states now.
Didn't go very well, underestimated length of a couple key bolts. Lining things up is a real pain too, gave up after 2 hours and put the tools away. Hopped on the tractor and finished plowing one plot. After all this rain I do not know when I will be able to get to three others as they are saturated. Kind of came to terms that disc might need to be replaced and looked up a saved ad for one I had my eye on, and the ad has been deleted by its author, dangit, dragged my feet and it sold, nice 8 ft IH pull behind at 100 bux. o well.
Good luck finding a new to you disk.
well got one gang fixed, then my drill bit the dust, drill bit snagged in the hole as it went through, and stripped the gears. So I shifted over to tractor work, ripping through the too thick to plow fallow materials, should make it possible to plow now.

. thanks tooln, trouble is the older, good stuff is getting further and further between as the farms shut down and resources go away.
Those old disks are still far easier to find for sale than old cultipackers.
Watch for an Amish auction. They have all smaller eq.