Remington Gamemaster 760 failure.


5 year old buck +
I had my crosshairs on a nice doe this evening but when I squeezed the trigger it didn't move. I was able to quietly remove the magazine and unload and reload several times. I cycled the safety several times. The gun would not fire. The deer finally left and I removed the cartridges. I tried dry firing the gun and nothing. After messing with it, it appears the slide is not locking sometimes and the slide release may not be resetting when it does lock. Out of half a dozen tries, I got 2 dry fires and they sounded "soft" from what I recall from previous dry fires.

My guess is there is something wrong with the slide release and maybe the firing pin spring is weak as well. I plan to take it to the gunsmith tomorrow. Does anyone have
Let us know what you find out.

I’ve got a 760 .30-06. Never had a problem but it’s 35 years old so....
Let us know what you find out.

I’ve got a 760 .30-06. Never had a problem but it’s 35 years old so....

Mine must be even older than that. I bought it used in the early 1980s and it was pretty old then. The original owner had put a peep sight put on the receiver. It doesn't have a screw on the end to remove the slide. It has a pin. I think I tried to remove it a couple years ago to strip and clean it, but I couldn't get the pin out.

My gun has not been used too much. Once sighted in, it only got a shot or two a year when I lived in PA. Back then their season was compressed and you could only take one deer a year total. When I moved to VA, the places I hunted did not allow rifles so it sat for many years. A couple years ago, they decided to permit rifles in the county with my farm. Everything seemed fine with the gamemaster so I put better glass on it. I've been using it for a couple year with no problem...until tonight.


Mine must be even older than that. I bought it used in the early 1980s and it was pretty old then. The original owner had put a peep sight put on the receiver. It doesn't have a screw on the end to remove the slide. It has a pin. I think I tried to remove it a couple years ago to strip and clean it, but I couldn't get the pin out.

My gun has not been used too much. Once sighted in, it only got a shot or two a year when I lived in PA. Back then their season was compressed and you could only take one deer a year total. When I moved to VA, the places I hunted did not allow rifles so it sat for many years. A couple years ago, they decided to permit rifles in the county with my farm. Everything seemed fine with the gamemaster so I put better glass on it. I've been using it for a couple year with no problem...until tonight.



My family has a few 760/7600. Break down is quite easy if you wanted to take a look for yourself. Maybe a easy fix. I would start by inspecting the trigger assembly.
The trigger assembly is held in just like a 870. Punch out the 2 pins on the side of the receiver and it slides out the bottom.
I gave my son a used 760 many years ago. He was young and had the same problem. Although the mystery has never been completely resolved, I always believed that in his attempt to be quiet he wasn't firmly (fully) closing the action. Any chance that could be the issue here?
I’m actually having this issue with A 7600. Haven’t used it since I noticed the action wouldn’t lock. I stripped it down and spray cleaner on everything including the trigger assembly. It was in bad shape. It now locks. The only thing I haven’t been able to resolve now is the clip doesn’t want to lock in right. The lever needs to manually pushed into position.
I gave my son a used 760 many years ago. He was young and had the same problem. Although the mystery has never been completely resolved, I always believed that in his attempt to be quiet he wasn't firmly (fully) closing the action. Any chance that could be the issue here?

Yes, to my untrained eye, it appears the slide is not fully locking. After removing the ammo, I tried some dry fire testing. Even when slamming the forearm forward, some times it would not lock and I could pull it back without touching the slide release. It may be that the slide release is not returning to the proper position sometimes. There may be an additional problem. When it did seem to lock (I could not pull the slide back), out of a half dozed dry fire attempts only two seemed to succeed and both of those sounded "soft" to me.

At any rate, I dropped it off at the gunsmith yesterday. He messed with it for a minute. He said that he would likely need to order parts for it so it would be a couple weeks. Given that he actually has to replace parts, I presume had I pulled the trigger assembly and cleaned it good, if it did start working, it may have only been a temporary fix.

This firearm is certainly old enough to need some rework. Too bad it cold not have functioned for a few more weeks to end the season. By next season, I should have the TC Encore 300 WM ready for hunting. Oh well, I'll just use my muzzleloader barrel on the TC and sacrifice a little range.

