Red Clover


5 year old buck +
I am planing my fall plots that I will put in early September. In the past I have used crimson clover mixed with my small grains. The crimson clover comes in looks great in the spring but I see very few deer use it. I have a few areas that have chicory and I was thinking about trying some red clover mixed in this spot.

Do any of you see increased use of red clover over crimson clover?
I'm a bit north of you so my experiences with Crimson and Red may not be typical of usage in the south...
But on my place, deer seem to prefer Crimson over Red. They like 'em both, but I think they like the Crimson a little more. But Red is very common around here and Crimson is rarely planted around my neighborhood. Maybe that has something to do with it?
I'd suggest two things. First try an exclusion cage if you haven't. Quite often plots are used more heavily than many folks think. An exclusion cage is a great way to dispossess oneself of anecdotal observations. If you've done that or after you've done that, if the crimson is truly not being used you can try another clover. I haven't found any one clover that is hands down more attractive than other clovers. Instead, I've found the different clovers have different characteristics and peak at different times. Deer may have another food source that is available when one kind of clover peaks and ignore it but that source may be drying up as another variety peaks and it gets hammered.

That's my 2 cents for what it is worth...


Jack gave you some advise. I like to move my exclusion cages. Put one up for 2-3 weeks then move it for another 2-3 and see how much the eat in that period of time. I don't know just how far you are down south, but I would not overlook white Alice clover. While I agree there is not wonder clover that deer flock to over all others, if you can grow Alice it is a darn nice thick clover. My deer were never real big on Crimson but turkeys were and it was first to green up for us so I don't mind adding it to a mix. I also let it go to seed so it doesn't become a true annual.

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Meant to type "good advise".

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Thanks for the advice. I should have stated that there is white clover available in established plots (6 acres total) over a 100 acre tract. I believe I will stick with the crimson.
Native Hunter - that is some red clover. Worked with rolling grounds and on grounding issues today. Then I was knee deep in outage reports. Thought about you - needed an engineer!

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Native Hunter - that is some red clover. Worked with rolling grounds and on grounding issues today. Then I was knee deep in outage reports. Thought about you - needed an engineer!

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Yep, I feel for you. The only thing worse than outage reports is the actual outage.