Recommendations on a 3pt sprayer?


5 year old buck +
I have always used my 4-wheeler with a 25 gallon tank and a 10’ boom for my plot spraying. I am kicking the idea around about moving up to a 3pt sprayer so I can load up once, go to the farm, spray, and be done. Any dos or don‘ts that quickly come to mind about their use?
I used to do that and then fabricated a 3pt mount to sit my sprayer in, works so much better than when using on my 4 wheeler.
3pt is a great way to go for plot management. There is lots of variety and long-term success when moving to a tractor. Do the math and make the best decision you can.
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I have always used my 4-wheeler with a 25 gallon tank and a 10’ boom for my plot spraying. I am kicking the idea around about moving up to a 3pt sprayer so I can load up once, go to the farm, spray, and be done. Any dos or don‘ts that quickly come to mind about their use?

I have a 55 gal Fimco sprayer. I use a PTO pump to drive it. The big benefit of moving from an ATV to a tractor is that you can drive at a much more constant speed. This makes your calibration of the sprayer more accurate. Calibration is important. I like the 1/128 acre method. You can look that up on-line for instructions. I found the frame on the Fimco was a bit on the flimsy side. It broke and I ended up welding some support on it. It may not be Fimco's fault. In addition to supporting the 55 gallons of liquid in the sprayer, I added a 5 gal "po boy" foamer for it to support. The foamer is a very nice addition as I can see where my last row ended. The only other advice I'd offer is to clean it after each use. I buy a neutralizer from TSC and run it through the tank. This helps prolong the life of the PTO pump.

Best of luck,

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ammonia works great for cleaning out a tank.
I didn't like fighting the ATV on steep hills with the 25 gal sprayer. Next I built a perfectly fit carryall for the cat 0 tractor. Huge improvement, with the hydrostatic drive (and even cruise control if I wanted). Now I have the sprayer on a real carry-all frame on a cat 1 tractor. 12v receptacle mounted under the seat with a switch on the dash. It's a very nice set-up, but I can no longer reach the valve controls from the drivers seat, so I can't easily switch between the fixed nozzle and the wand. I need to either run longer hose connections so the valves are closer to the tractor seat, or find a couple solenoid valves. So that's something I would watch for if buying new. How do you change between hand wand and rear nozzle?
Mine originally had 3 nozzles on a 30" pipe for 30ft. I didn't need that width and it was hard to keep track of where I'd been. Also, again, had to get off the seat to turn off/on either end nozzles. So now I'm running a single center nozzle. Easily adjustable from 6 to 9 ft, and I can tell where I've been by the tractor tracks. It's been great for the roads and 1/2 acre plots I do. Hit a lot of jsg last weekend and very pleased with the set-up. Just wish I could do wand on/off from the seat.

Of course I have a cultipacker as well. Not that anybody asked. I't's just something I bring up when I have a chance.