Random root sprouts, and thoughts


5 year old buck +
Transplanted about a dozen apples out of my nursery area last fall. They were named varieties that had been grafted onto seedling apple trees purchased from a county land conservation sale. I obviously did not get all of the roots out when digging the holes and had several sprouts this spring.

I don't have any room to use them for anything, so was thinking of selling them as random 'deer apple' trees in a year or two. Should I dig them up now and try to separate them and stick in 5 gallon pots?

Hardly any apples here due to the spring weather, but my 8 variety frankentree has 9 Honey gold and 2 Frostbite on it.
I was searching for Nap beetles yesterday and discovered I have my first ever Hazelnuts!
And the comfrey crowns I planted this spring are doing well. I'll be making my own liquid fertilizer from now on.
Cant help with deer apple question but great on the hazelnuts. Guess I should check some hybrid shrubs now but not seeing much for catkins earlier was afraid the late frost got em like the plums and pears. Maybe will have a nice surprise. Good luck with yours