Rally use


5 year old buck +
I bought Rally fungicide a few weeks back and then my trees started blooming so i wasn't able to use it. I normally use Captan but wanted something to spray a few times a year to prevent resistance and to work on Cedar Apple Rust. I was wondering what people use in oz per gallon? All i can find is per acre usage.
Somewhere there are recommendations per Gallon. Keep searching. Looks like 1.25 to 2 oz per 100 gallon. I read it on the label
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I don't see anything except the per acre recommendation in the NE tree fruit guide. You can spray Rally during bloom, and there has been no resistance associated w/ Captan. You can use it through the season, but it certainly will not hurt to change things up. The good thing about using Rally is it has a 48-96 hours of "kick back" activity to guard against post infection scab if you were not able to spray before a rain. It is a good fungicide for CAR but I don't think it has any kick back activity for CAR.
I found that info when I Googled Rally online and found the label and read it there. It gives the conversion to 100 gallons of water with almonds as the example and you can figure it from there for apples which is just below it in amount per acre