Raccoon trapping

I have the best luck/timing. Last night as I was headed up to bed, I shined the flashlight out the bathroom window to make sure there was nothing in the traps. Just as a BIG ol' boar was just stepping into the trap. 🙄
He of course turned around and ran away.
Did one kill the other?

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Did one kill the other?

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No. They were both fine when I showed up. It was before work, dark, and I was short on time. I did the thing but didn't take pics or tend to them until after work. Buzzards had them pretty torn up by then.
Big boy came back last night, must have gotten caught and got away. Using two have-a-heart type traps due to the neighborhood cats. Trap one is empty, but not sprung. Trap two is empty and is sprung. It had 5 red bricks on top of it for weight, which are now laying on the ground. Apparently 5 bricks isn't enough weight.

ETA: Wow, okay. It actually bent and broke the back wall of the trap to pry it open and get out. Bent a couple of surprisingly thick pieces of metal in the process. Zip tied it back together. The trick now is trust and fear. I zip tied the other one open and will load that one up heavy with free food for a while, around the outside and half way in, get him willing to try it again.
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I had to fasten a piece of wood with sharpened nails on the edge of the trap to prevent the raccoons from pushing their way out. Those things are strong when they're desperate. I also wired the other door shut so it wouldn't budge.

Eventually one raccoon chewed that piece of wood up, and I had to replace it.
I’ve snared coons before and got the stomach not the neck and they destroy a 6’ circle around the snare before collapsing. When I finally found him he just sort of raised his head enough to say please finish me I’m done.
The traps are always full of grass and weeds. I put the traps next to a boat which had an old blue tarp on it. Eventually they completely destroyed it, pulling several FEET of tarp in through those little 3/4" holes.
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I took a pause from my yard trapping because I have rats! I don't know why, there's nothing for them to eat. (no rats didn't move in because I put a pop tart in a have heart trap lol) Must be a neighbor feeding their pets outside or bird feeders. I had them once about 15 years ago because of my bird feeders. I stopped and they went away. The rats kept setting off the large HaH traps, I finally happened to see one caught in one, be he got out before I could dispatch him.
So I switched gears to targeting the rats, but so far I've only gotten one.

I almost forgot about doing it where I hunt. Last year I set out a few dog proofs while I was bow hunting and later gun hunting, but with no luck. Not crazy about it because I can't check them early as I'd like, but it's the only way I can do it.
Season total went up by one yesterday: Coon 8, Possum 1.
I got my most expensive one on Saturday. I wasn't having any luck with my usual baits, so I tried something different. In one trap, one of the usual baits, knock off strawberry pop tarts. Next to it, one with a slice of New York Style cheese cake. In the morning the faux pop tarts had been moved, but not eaten. In the other, the cheese cake was gone, the trap was sprung, the coon was inside asleep, fat and happy.
I got my most expensive one on Saturday. I wasn't having any luck with my usual baits, so I tried something different. In one trap, one of the usual baits, knock off strawberry pop tarts. Next to it, one with a slice of New York Style cheese cake. In the morning the faux pop tarts had been moved, but not eaten. In the other, the cheese cake was gone, the trap was sprung, the coon was inside asleep, fat and happy.
Hummm...I may need to change up my bait. I just put out 12 traps (I have been running one or two so far) and baited with peanut butter and corn given the cold front that is going through. I would be happy to sacrifice a cheese cake in exchange for fat, happy, sleeping raccoons.
Season total went up by one yesterday: Coon 8, Possum 1.
Season total is up: 10 Coons, 2 Possum. These succumbed to Peanut Butter. With the warm weather returning, it’s time to change to another bait.
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Raccoon #11 is down. While numerically I know I am making progress (11 Coons, 2 Possums, 0 coyotes, 0 bobcats) on the predator population , the number of raccoons, opossums, coyotes and bobcats on camera on our small 85 acre homestead is mind-numbing (dozens each night, many during the day).

I know one of the challenges of creating good habitats is that it attracts predators. Poult kill was 100% this year.
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On my last day of trapping for awhile, one more raccoon and one opossum. Season total: 12 raccoons, 2 opossums. Work obligations and upcoming hunts with the grandkids on the property mean I likely will not be trapping much until after the rut. The good news is that it's only October and I'm exactly where I was at on March 30th last season.