Raccoon trapping

Opossum #2 for the season in a true winter blizzard! Caught in one of two cage traps I am using in addition to the dog proofs. YTD 9 Raccoon, 2 Opossum.

Two dog proofs were empty but not tripped using peanut butter. One was tripped, empty but no signs in the snow of a capture. This was likely the last line for a couple of weeks due to work and travel.
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I feel like disease issues here may have put a thumping on the coon population this year. Distemper is pretty common every few years in a high coon population areas. With the coon market in the crapper nothing is limiting the population other than Mother Nature herself. I have read comments from pretty diehard trappers across the upper Midwest that their observation is that coon numbers are down significantly in their areas as well. Would be interesting to see if anyone has ever conducted research or compiled numbers looking at high natural disease mortality years in coon populations and following nesting success by turkeys and quail.
I feel like disease issues here may have put a thumping on the coon population this year. Distemper is pretty common every few years in a high coon population areas. With the coon market in the crapper nothing is limiting the population other than Mother Nature herself. I have read comments from pretty diehard trappers across the upper Midwest that their observation is that coon numbers are down significantly in their areas as well. Would be interesting to see if anyone has ever conducted research or compiled numbers looking at high natural disease mortality years in coon populations and following nesting success by turkeys and quail.
The camera pictures show that we still have number of 'coons moving through the property. The age structure looks about normal, with a mix of year-olds and more mature 'coons. I think some of the coons are getting "smart" to the dog-proofs. I did not seen anything indicating an uptick in distemper in Missouri, but that is a consideration for sure!
I feel like disease issues here may have put a thumping on the coon population this year. Distemper is pretty common every few years in a high coon population areas. With the coon market in the crapper nothing is limiting the population other than Mother Nature herself. I have read comments from pretty diehard trappers across the upper Midwest that their observation is that coon numbers are down significantly in their areas as well. Would be interesting to see if anyone has ever conducted research or compiled numbers looking at high natural disease mortality years in coon populations and following nesting success by turkeys and quail.
Not in S.E. MN. My water hole is not much more than a coon waterpark
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The number of coons on camera has been way down for me this Fall and I haven't seen but the occasional fresh track since we have had traps out. The last coon I had on camera was caught about 10 seconds later! LOL
Saw more coons this fall than I ever have. Right after the corn was cut across the road we had a roadkill almost every night. Plus I trapped a few more than 10 in the same time period. Only have had one coon pic since, but the numbers were highest I've ever seen. It was kind of amazing how many there were. Funny how numbers can differ from region to region.
I have fewer coons now - but that could be from years of trapping them. I have leased property 45 miles away that has not been trapped and definitely more coons
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The camera pictures show that we still have number of 'coons moving through the property. The age structure looks about normal, with a mix of year-olds and more mature 'coons. I think some of the coons are getting "smart" to the dog-proofs. I did not seen anything indicating an uptick in distemper in Missouri, but that is a consideration for sure!
My coons definitely on to dp traps. I catch more coons near a feeder now in live traps than dp’s. I have gotten videos of coon walking right by a dp and not even turning their head to look at it.
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Raccoon #10 dispatched. I am seeing coons and opossums on the cameras, but my time for trapping is very limited. I had 13 traps set Saturday and Sunday and only caught one 'coon. I am hoping to get three nights of trapping in this coming weekend.
Season update: Two more raccoons, including this good sized female, for an even dozen ‘coons and 2 opossums.

Two more raccoons were in the footholds this morning. Sixteen predators so far this season. The cage traps are not producing, as is seen from this picture. I have three out, and they usually work well, but I think the ‘coons and ‘possums are on to me😃

Two more raccoons were in the footholds this morning. Sixteen predators so far this season. The cage traps are not producing, as is seen from this picture. I have three out, and they usually work well, but I think the ‘coons and ‘possums are on to me😃

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One more this morning as the season winds down. 15 coons and 2 possums. Nothing like last year’s 100–but the results support how trapping has brought balance back to this small area (I am trapping on just 20 of the 85 acres). I still have ‘coons and ‘possums on camera, so what has been trapped is just part of what is still out there.

Put my traps out for the first time this spring. Got 2 👍
I'm a little late to the party. What's everyone's favorite racoon bait?

Any ideas on what a "normal" coon density is like?(NE PA) We're trying to help the turkeys by targeting nest predators and had some success this year.
I’m no expert. I bait with cat food or mini marshmallows. I sprinkle a little cheap imitation vanilla on each. The bears seem to like the mini marshmallows. I’ve walked up on them licking out the marshmallows.
I pulled my traps last night and will be boiling and dipping them for storage. I will still run a couple of traps around the chicken coop should the need arise, but for now the season has ended with seventeen predators removed this season.
Having a raccoon season makes no sense to me. I think it should be year round.
Having a raccoon season makes no sense to me. I think it should be year round.
Here in Missouri residents can trap and dispatch raccoons and other predators year round if they are causing damage to plans or livestock. We have lost chickens to raccoons (on camera) and will trap around the barn and coop as needed.

It has only been in the past two years that the trapping season has been extended to April 14 on private lands. Prior to the change, trapping ended in February. Missouri's code specifies that you may shoot or trap damage-causing raccoons out-of-season without a permit. This provides a good balance and opportunity to protect our habitat improvements.
I pulled my traps last night and will be boiling and dipping them for storage. I will still run a couple of traps around the chicken coop should the need arise, but for now the season has ended with seventeen predators removed this season.

What do you do with all the racoon? Hides arent worth anything, carcasses smell if you just leave or toss them somewhere. I use to trap, spend the time pulling hides, and ended up with less money for the hides, than I paid for gas to drop them off. Since I stopped trapping, and when I do, I live trap, and move them to some state land about 10 miles away. (well maybe I do that, being I am not sure if that is legal or not, so I am not admitting to anything at this time).