Raccoon trapping

We trap about a hundred coons a year off our place. Curiously also as we manage our fly problem around the feeders coons seem to disappear.
Interesting connection to the flys. Our feeders are inside the coop and we have an automatic door that shuts at dark. My first year on the property we trapped 60. Last two years only about ten. This year I am back to 50 and there still a lot of year left. I can only imagine the numbers if I trapped more of the property. I know coons are attracted to clutter and smells. We keep the coops pretty clean (minimal flies and a commercial fan system), but they keep coming. I caught just one this morning--although two foothold and one cage trap had been raided. I just tightened the joints on the cage trap, as an opossum had been in the trap but somehow got out.
Finally got the opossum that has been trying to get into the cooper using a cage trap, along with more coons in the “coon cuffs.“ The chickens seem much less on edge, and are coming out as soon as the door opens at dusk rather than waiting until mid-morning. With Missouri’s extended trapping season starting this year, I hope to go to other part of the property during season, as I have not seen a turkey poult this year. I can only imagine the number of eggs the coons and ‘possums have eaten. I am also slowly improving the timber stand, so hopefully with reduced predators our chickens, turkey and deer will all have better chances for survival.

Bueller, I hope you continue to use trapping as a conservation tool. Keep us posted nest season on how things are going.
Finally got the opossum that has been trying to get into the cooper using a cage trap, along with more coons in the “coon cuffs.“ The chickens seem much less on edge, and are coming out as soon as the door opens at dusk rather than waiting until mid-morning. With Missouri’s extended trapping season starting this year, I hope to go to other part of the property during season, as I have not seen a turkey poult this year. I can only imagine the number of eggs the coons and ‘possums have eaten. I am also slowly improving the timber stand, so hopefully with reduced predators our chickens, turkey and deer will all have better chances for survival.

Bueller, I hope you continue to use trapping as a conservation tool. Keep us posted nest season on how things are going.
I also have not seen any poults this year or most years. Luckily as a land owner I can trap them year round. I picked 2 more up on the way up this morning. My son and I put out our 8 traps a bit ago so hopefully we have success. Only down side is we are supposed to have storms tonight. We baited half with marshmallows and half with dog food. Just wish I could trap bears. See a ton and hardly any fawns this year.
Got 3 last night and something stole the bait out of 1 trap and didn’t set it off.
Got 3 last night and something stole the bait out of 1 trap and didn’t set it off.
Which baits got hit?
Both the dog food and the marshmallows got hit. The marshmallows were a gouee mess tho this morning. They seemed to have melted overnight
Both the dog food and the marshmallows got hit. The marshmallows were a gouee mess tho this morning. They seemed to have melted overnight
Rain will make a mess of marshmallows also. Limited experience, but as of now I prefer to use dog food for the cleanliness. Going to try some sweet cereal one of these days.

Young turkeys are now on the clover daily. My trap sets are scattered around in and very near this plot.
I know coons disperse, but this is getting ridiculous.
Looks like you're in coon central there. Too bad fur prices are low.
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Looks like you're in coon central there. Too bad fur prices are low.
It sure seems like it this year. The game cams show more coons around the coop each night. I trapped several more since my last post and they keep coming. I am moving the traps this weekend to some different trees. A few of the coons have figured out how to get the bait (cat food) without setting off the trip.
I only got 1 last night.
One more yesterday, three more today--one in a cage trap and two in DPs. I've had three DP traps go missing this season, including one this morning. I have been using 3" deck screws into a tree (after removing bark layer) or large stump, and in each case the screw and the trap are missing. At first I thought they might be breaking the screws, but I've not seen evidence of that happening. It might also be a dog, coyote, human or lion providing some assistance, although I have no camera evidence that is happening in the area.I am going to try 3 1/2" marine grade screws with square heads, as I am tired of losing $14 traps--and don't like the thought of an un-dispatched cuffed 'coon.

As for as trap preference, I prefer the Duke and Minnesota Trapline traps to Wolf Creek Diablo's I am currently using. The WCDs are harder to set and the U-shaped ground stake is not suited for dry clay soil. The Duke's and MT's are basically the same, IMO. I have ordered 10 Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Raccoon Traps based on a recommendation, plus the price is right ($99 for 10, free shipping, not tax). I will post the results from these traps once they are set up.
One more yesterday, three more today--one in a cage trap and two in DPs. I've had three DP traps go missing this season, including one this morning. I have been using 3" deck screws into a tree (after removing bark layer) or large stump, and in each case the screw and the trap are missing. At first I thought they might be breaking the screws, but I've not seen evidence of that happening. It might also be a dog, coyote, human or lion providing some assistance, although I have no camera evidence that is happening in the area.I am going to try 3 1/2" marine grade screws with square heads, as I am tired of losing $14 traps--and don't like the thought of an un-dispatched cuffed 'coon.

As for as trap preference, I prefer the Duke and Minnesota Trapline traps to Wolf Creek Diablo's I am currently using. The WCDs are harder to set and the U-shaped ground stake is not suited for dry clay soil. The Duke's and MT's are basically the same, IMO. I have ordered 10 Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Raccoon Traps based on a recommendation, plus the price is right ($99 for 10, free shipping, not tax). I will post the results from these traps once they are set up.
Zero Friday night, one last night on apple jacks cereal.

Never heard of using a screw to secure a dog proof. I do know swivels are very important in any setup.
One more yesterday, three more today--one in a cage trap and two in DPs. I've had three DP traps go missing this season, including one this morning. I have been using 3" deck screws into a tree (after removing bark layer) or large stump, and in each case the screw and the trap are missing. At first I thought they might be breaking the screws, but I've not seen evidence of that happening. It might also be a dog, coyote, human or lion providing some assistance, although I have no camera evidence that is happening in the area.I am going to try 3 1/2" marine grade screws with square heads, as I am tired of losing $14 traps--and don't like the thought of an un-dispatched cuffed 'coon.

As for as trap preference, I prefer the Duke and Minnesota Trapline traps to Wolf Creek Diablo's I am currently using. The WCDs are harder to set and the U-shaped ground stake is not suited for dry clay soil. The Duke's and MT's are basically the same, IMO. I have ordered 10 Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Raccoon Traps based on a recommendation, plus the price is right ($99 for 10, free shipping, not tax). I will post the results from these traps once they are set up.
I put a cable around a tree. I wouldn’t trust a deck screw to hold a critter.
We trap about a hundred coons a year off our place. Curiously also as we manage our fly problem around the feeders coons seem to disappear.
Oh man, that cracks me up. Solid solution right there taking flies and coons at same time.
I’ve been using the Duke dog proofs and like them. I did learn not to use marshmallows when it’s in the 90’s. That was a gooy mess in the traps the next morning. I’ve had equal success between marshmallows and dog food. I think the turkeys are thanking me. A group Of hens brought their poults by me Saturday.
I’m sitting at 26 coons in the last 2.5 weeks from the family farm, using 3 Duke DP’s and a cage trap. Have gone the marshmallow route (used dry cat food in winter with good results). Sticky traps haven’t been a problem yet since each trap has a coon in it nearly daily. Hoping to get numbers under control and start seeing some turkey stick around on a regular basis.
I set the new Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Raccoon traps outside the chicken run last night and trapped two 'coons and a 'possum. I like the fact these are easier to set than the other brands I have used. On another forum some noted the handles tend to break after a couple of years of use, so only time will tell. Hopefully I will soon be able to stop trapping these chicken predators, but for now they seem to keep on coming.

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Had to run up to my place Tuesday night so I put the traps out. Got 1 more coon rt outside my house. Had another trap where something ate all the dog food and didn’t set it off. Same thing happened at that same spot last time. Smart coon or something else?
Was all of the bait gone in the tube or just some? Squirrels will grab everything on the ground and the first inch or so into the dog proof trap.