Nice!! So where are those pictures from last year? ;)
That is some serious growth for one week. Not sure who would win if he squared off against a typical rack. I bet someone would take a beating.
Keep your genes out of my pool :)
A few years behind you but this guy could be interesting some day.
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Always crazy how the camera angle can play tricks on you. The wide one looks so much wider in that angled pic. Do you have pics of him from the past? Just wondering if he has always had short tines?
I would still try and kill "Too Tall Jones"!
I'd call him fish gig. :).
Then change his name to hamburger later on.;)
Your freak deer could be similar to the one my buddy shot last year.
How early does your bow season open? Man he would look even sweeter with full velvet and a short haired coat when mounted. I love putting together short haired deer. I often tell people I would trade a 10" deduction of antler on a buck if I could shoot him in the early season.