Question on No-till


5 year old buck +
I have a question for you guys that spray, broadcast seed and then cultipack/roll in regards to brassica seed. How do you incorporate your fertilizer? Brassicas need a lot of nitrogen and with effectiveness of urea being lost if exposed for any amount of time what do you use for fertilizer?
What I did was seeded, rolled and sprayed. I went back the next day spread my urea luckily we were getting some rain that night. I'm not sure this is the correct way to do this but I just broadcast it over the downed rye mulch.
I have a question for you guys that spray, broadcast seed and then cultipack/roll in regards to brassica seed. How do you incorporate your fertilizer? Brassicas need a lot of nitrogen and with effectiveness of urea being lost if exposed for any amount of time what do you use for fertilizer?
Always an issue for me since I don't live near my property to run out there right before a good rain. Two weeks ago when I planted my brassicas I spread urea before rolling. We then received around a 1/2" of rain combined over the following three days. Hopefully I didn't lose too much. I plan to topdress with more urea in a couple weeks, hopefully with a good rain approaching. Can Ammonium Nitrate be topdressed like urea?
Sulphur coated urea
Can the average guy still get ammonium nitrate though? My brother the budding farmer leads me to believe it's near impossible to get UAN without a visit from the boys in the black SUVs. I was able to get ammonium sulfate at my local fertilizer plant.
Did some more research and it seems like the higher your ph the more chance of volatilization. Also the more residue the more chance of volatilization. Need about 1/2 of rain if top dressing or broadcasting on top. Guess I will use the old way and disc the fertilizer in before planting. Here is a very interesting read on urea volatility. management/pnwureamanagement.pdf
Always an issue for me since I don't live near my property to run out there right before a good rain. Two weeks ago when I planted my brassicas I spread urea before rolling. We then received around a 1/2" of rain combined over the following three days. Hopefully I didn't lose too much. I plan to topdress with more urea in a couple weeks, hopefully with a good rain approaching. Can Ammonium Nitrate be topdressed like urea?

I am in the same boat living 2 hours away.
Ammonium Nitrate.
Just got an odd look from the guy at the coop when I asked about ammonium nitrate o_O. They didn't have any coated N in bags either so urea it is.
Maybe he thought you were trying to make a bomb?
True, but I know some manufacturers have already stop producing and selling it. Obumble still has plans to try to get it regulated by Homeland Security through Executive Order..
Paid under $15 for 50lbs of 46-0-0
They make a polymer coated urea, 44-0-0. It breaks down with moisture and temperature.