Quality Spotting Scopes/Binoculars


5 year old buck +
I'm looking to get some optics to keep in the truck. Undecided between spotting scope and binoculars at this point, leaning towards binoculars for the portability.

Any experts got insight on the difference between junk and quality?
I should add that i'm looking to get them from Cabelas, if anyone has a recommendation. I've got some points stored up that are burning a hole in my pocket.
I bought of pair of Vortex Viper HD binoculars that are something like x15 or so and I love them.
Bought them from Cabelas too.
Nikon is pretty good glass and reasonably priced as well. I used both a Nikon spotting scope and binos while on a WY mulie/antelope hunt. Best advice is to get to your local Cabelas and "try on" a few different pairs in your price range. If you don't have a Cabelas, Gander Mt or any other sporting goods store should have a few to try before you make your purchase.
Beautiful bino's are in the eye of the beholder. Go and look through those in your price range.....and listen to the guy behind the counter. Seems there is lots of good values in glass today. Competitive market place. I don't think you need to spend lots of money for good glass.....as you used to. Ive got a set of Swarvoski's 10x42 that are too hard on my neck to carry. Instead I CARRY a set of Lightweight Pentax binos, and leave the Swaro's in the truck.....and use em for sight seeing, etc.

I own a few spotting scopes too.....but they are not versatile enough most often. We do use them for game spotting out west and for Prarie Dog shoots and sometimes for target shooting. I keep an old wood stock on a 30x Bushy spotter.....and its good out of the truck for a quick look. I've got a 70x Kowa that can really find game out west when set up on a tripod.....but it's of little value in MN....except as a fish finder. ;)

When I shot some bench rest shoots, I'd use that Kowa allot to check groups and look at mirage for precision shooting, etc. I put it on a Bogen Tripod with a fluid head.....and it's the real deal as a game spotter. Back then, I could get good deals on those items.....and write them off as biz expense. I'd be hard pressed to spend that dough today on glass. I must be getting tighter. :D
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I have Nikon and Leupold binos both reasonably priced and great quality. As others have said pick your price point and compare each brand in person.
I've got the Leupold Acadias, and I LOVE them. I've always used optics planet, just because I can usually find better prices there.
I gotta pick up a sleeping bag too. I think I'll hit the Mitchell, SD Cabelas on my way to ND for work next week. Appreciate the input fellas.
I own a few spotting scopes too.....but they are not versatile enough most often. We do use them for game spotting out west and for Prarie Dog shoots and sometimes for target shooting. I keep an old wood stock on a 30x Bushy spotter.....and its good out of the truck for a quick look. I've got a 70x Kowa that can really find game out west when set up on a tripod.....but it's of little value in MN....except as a fish finder. ;)

Out here we call them "Iowa Fishfinders."
I got a hell of a deal on leupold Acadia 12x50 off of amazon. I think price was a mistake. shop around, I liked the nikon monarch 5 too. quality bino. in store is where you find the comfort factor and quality for yourself.